Bone Broth for Candida | Why You Should be Consuming This Food

Bone broth from high quality animal bones is an amazing superfood that can provided the body immense amounts of nourishment.  No other food on the planet is as nourishing and easy to digest as a quality bone broth.  In fact, not long ago, bone broths were frequently given to those dealing with sickness and digestive disorder.

Those dealing with candida overgrowth can benefit immensely by incorporating a quality bone broth into their diet.  This is because bone broth will help to replenish lost fluids in the body and can help initiate regeneration and repair.

However, there is much more to know about this ancient superfood.  Luckily, by the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of the benefits of bone broth and if you should include it into your candida diet.

What is Bone Broth?

It seems basic, but bone broth is simply the juices that have been extracted from animal bones.  Bone broth is naturally rich in calcium and several different fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, and K2.  Also, since animal bones are used in the extraction process, bone broth is naturally high in marrow.

Marrow is an extremely “building” food.  Archeologists have found that several hunter gather tribes would frequently break open the bones in order to get at this healing substance.

However, when bones are boiled in water for long periods of time, the marrow, as well as other important vitamins and minerals, are naturally released into the water.

The end result is a vitamin and mineral rich drink that can provide immense benefits to the body.  Its ease of digestibility makes bone broth perfect for those dealing with digestive disorders due to fungal overgrowth’s such as candida.

Bone Broth and Candida

As mentioned above, bone broth can be great for those suffering with candida overgrowth.  This is because those with candida overgrowth will almost always be under immense amounts of intestinal inflammation and poor digestion.

In fact, research has shown that patients suffering with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a chronic dysregulation between the stomach and bowels, oftentimes unknowingly suffer with a colonization of candida in the gut (1).

Furthermore, candida naturally causes inflammation in the intestines due to its ability to burrow itself into the digestive tract.  It also releases over 70 different toxic byproducts which can all contribute to excessive inflammation in the body.

To say that candida overgrowth causes poor digestive health is an understatement.  As a result, most individuals suffering with this pathogenic overgrowth have high amounts of intestinal inflammation and chronic poor digestion. 

Most cannot even properly extract the needed nutrients from their food due to the ability of candida to lower stomach acid levels.  One of the toxic byproducts in which this fungus releases is ammonia which can have a negative impact on stomach acid production.

Luckily, bone broth is naturally building towards the body and can be great for anyone dealing with this pathogenic fungal overgrowth.  Unlike most foods that require adequate levels of stomach acid to breakdown, bone broth is easily absorbed into the body.  In fact, bone broth actually attracts digestive juices and can help assist in the digestion process.

Simply consuming a cup of homemade organic bone broth with all of your meals is one the best ways to facilitate digestion.  It will also help in nutrient absorption due to its ability to attract digestive juices.

Excellent Source of Collagen

Bone broth, as well as gelatinous cuts of meat, are a great source of the beneficial protein collagen.  Collagen plays a very important role in the health and function of the body’s digestive system.  Low levels of collagen in the diet put the body at risk for developing intestinal conditions such as gut permeability or “leaky gut.”

There are various factors that can contribute to low levels of collagen in the body.  For one, the average diet is going to be extremely low in this important protein.  This is mainly due to the fact that most Americans are obsessed with consuming lean cuts of meat and shy away from gelatinous and fatty cuts of meat.

Also, a diet high in plant foods can naturally strip away the mucosal lining in the gut where most collagen is needed.  This is because all plant foods contain anti-nutrients such as phytates, oxalates, lectins, tannins, ect. which can have a negative effect on the mucosal lining if consumed in EXCESS.

Interestingly, it’s been shown that collagen can help improve the epithelial cells and tight junctions in the gut and can help protect against conditions such as gut permeability (2).

It has been shown that patients suffering with candida overgrowth almost always have intestinal conditions such as gut permeability (3).

Due to the way bone broth is prepared, it’s naturally one of the best sources of collagen.  The boiling process helps to easily breakdown the connective tissue where most of the collagen is stored.  This is much more efficient and easier absorbed than chewing or breaking apart with your teeth.

Helps to Hydrate the Body

Despite popular belief, water is not the most hydrating drink to consume.  In fact, it’s well known that many Native American populations would frequently consume bone broth as a form of hydration.  This was especially true during the cold and harsh months of winter.

This is because bone broth is a rich source electrolytes.  It’s naturally high in minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.  These minerals help the body to hydrate on the cellular level and it contains the perfect amount of sodium so that cells will accept the water and release old water.

Maintaining good hydration is key for those not only dealing with candida overgrowth, but for those seeking optimal health as well.  Many are under the impression that water alone will hydrate the body.  However, this is not entirely true since minerals need to be present in order for cellular hydration. 

Those drinking from wells or springs will naturally receive a more hydrating water due to the high mineral content.  That being said, incorporating bone broth daily into your routine can help immensely with improving hydration levels in the body.

Naturally Soothes the Digestive Tract

As mentioned before, bone broth is a great source of the protein collagen.  Research is clear that collagen is essential for preventing conditions such as leaky gut and combating intestinal inflammation.

Also, since bone broth is liquid, it’s very easy on a digestive system that can be overwhelmed with inflammation.  Many find that bone broth helps to combat chronic digestive problems that may due to chronic fungal overgrowth’s such as candida.

For best results, a high quality organic bone broth should be consumed with all of your meals.  This will naturally help to facilitate in digestion, combat intestinal inflammation, and allow for better overall nutrient absorption.

A Word of Caution – May be High in Histamine

Although bone broth can be great for anyone seeking optimal health or for those with candida overgrowth, it should be known that it’s naturally high in histamine.  Histamine typically is not a problem for most individuals.  However, there is evidence showing that candida sufferers may be more prone to issues such as histamine intolerance.

This is mainly because this pathogenic fungus stimulates the body’s mast cells which in return can release an excess amount of histamine (4).

Some may find that they do completely fine with bone broth, while others find it causes a histamine reaction in the body.  As a result, it’s important to take it slow in the beginning and work you way up.  This will help you to gauge how your body reacts while minimizing any possible negative reactions that may occur.

Also, the longer you boil the bones, the more histamines are generally created.  Short boiled bones (less than 2 hours) tend to have less histamines.

Lastly, it’s important that you do not go overboard with bone broth.  It’s extremely nutrient dense and is suggested that you use your judgement on serving size.  Two to three cups a day is plenty to get the benefits contained within bone broth.

The Verdict – Should you Consume Bone Broth?

In our opinion, bone broth is an excellent functional food that can be great for individuals dealing with candida overgrowth.  No other food on the planet can nourish the body quite like bone broth.  Its ability to easily digest makes it perfect for those dealing with digestive disorders due to candida.

As always, moderation is key.  It’s important not go overboard with bone broth.  As mentioned, it tends to be high in histamine and can be problematic for some individuals at high doses.  Also, always start out with small doses and work your way up.  For best results, consume small amounts of bone broth (1 cup) with your meals.