Candida and Mushrooms | Are they Beneficial or Should they be Avoided?

Mushrooms are a hot topic when it comes to candida overgrowth.  Many make the claim that since mushrooms are a fungus, they should be avoided by anyone suffering from a fungal overgrowth such as candida.

The theory is that mushrooms will add to the fungal load in the body and can make a candida condition much worse.  As result, it’s recommended by these experts that mushrooms should be avoided at all costs.

However, this is not true for all mushrooms.  In fact, Chinese Medicine has been using medicinal mushrooms for centuries in order to treat fungal infections in the body.  That being said, these aren’t the types of mushrooms that you will find at your local store.

Luckily, by the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of the best types of mushrooms to consume if you suffer from candida overgrowth!

The Best Mushrooms for Candida Overgrowth

Reishi Mushroom

We’ve written about the amazing benefits of reishi mushroom before, so if you haven’t done so already, be sure to check out our reishi mushroom post.  This medicinal mushroom was once a rarity and would be reserved primarily for royalty.

Due to its immense benefits, Chinese Medicine often refers to reishi as “The Mushroom of Immortality.”  It was often prescribed to those suffering from chronic sickness and disease.  However, despite being a fungus, reishi contains powerful anti-candida properties.

Research has shown that this powerful mushroom can help to inhibit the formation of candida biofilms in the body (1).  For those unaware, candida uses a protective layer called “biofilms” to help protect it from substances such as antibiotics.  It’s for this reason that candida can be so difficult to remove from the body.  Luckily, reishi mushroom can help to break these biofilms which leaves this pathogenic fungus susceptible to the body’s immune system.  This in return gives the individual a better chance of eliminating this fungus.

As well as being a potent anti-fungal, reishi can also help combat stress levels in the body.  This is mainly due to its high amounts of immune boosting beta-glucans and its ability to help the body to handle stress much more efficiently.  Out of all of the herbs prescribed in Chinese Medicine, reishi mushroom is used the most due to its wide array of applications.

Chaga Mushroom

Chaga may be one of the most beneficial medicinal mushrooms when it comes to immune system health.  No other food on the planet contains as many anti-oxidants as chaga mushroom.  As a result, it’s perfect for protecting the body against harmful free radicals (2).

It’s also naturally full of beta-glucans which can help to boost the immune system (3).  In fact, most dealing with candida overgrowth oftentimes suffer from an immune system that is out-of-balance.  This is mainly because candida causes high amounts of histamine to be released from the body’s mast cells (4).  In small amounts histamine is beneficial for the immune system.  However, when levels rise too high, an overreactive immune system often results.

Thankfully, chaga can help to balance the immune system due to its naturally immunomodulating properties.  Chaga is a rich source of betulinic acid which has been shown to have both anti-viral, anti-malarial, and anti-inflammatory properties (5)(6)(7).

It should be mentioned that this medicinal mushroom was used extensively by ancient Serbians.  These ancient Serbians believed that chaga helped them adapt to the harsh climate of Russia and that it helped to extend their lifespan.

As an added bonus, chaga is a rich source of melanin which can help to improve the overall quality of the skin!

Maitake Mushroom

Maitake has been used for centuries among various cultures around the world.  In fact, it was well known that Okinawan of Japan frequently incorporated this fungus into a lot of their dishes.  Interestingly, the Okinawa are well known for living well past 100 years of age!

Research is clear that Maitake can help to significantly boost the immune system due to the high amounts of immune modulating beta-glucans present in this medicinal mushroom (8).

Best of all, unlike most medicinal mushrooms which need to be boiled into a tea, Maitake can be sautéed and served with a meal.  This is the perfect example of how food can also serve as powerful medicine!

Pleurotus Giganteus Mushroom

Although not well known, this medicinal mushroom can be very beneficial for those suffering with candida overgrowth.  Researchers have found that a pleurotus giganteus extract made of the fruiting bodies of this medicinal mushroom as potent anti-candida activity in the body (9).

This mushroom has been used for centuries in various dishes around the world and was well known for its medicinal properties.  Like most medicinal mushrooms, pleurotus giganteus is a great source of immune boosting beta-glucans.

However, don’t expect to find this mushroom in your local grocery store.  That being said, for those looking to incorporate this medicinal mushroom into their diet, an extract of the fruiting bodies would be best.

Understanding the Importance of Beta-Glucans

Getting enough beta-glucans in the diet is essential for anyone suffering from candida overgrowth.  This is because they help the immune system to function more optimally.  In short, beta-glucans help to “educate” the immune system so that it can work more effectively and efficiently.  These long chain sugars have been in our diet for centuries and play an important role in overall health and well-being.

The best sources of beta-glucans are by far medicinal mushrooms.  Products such as fermented vegetables and sourdough breads are also a great source of beta-glucans.  However, depending on the individual, fermented foods may not be the best choice.  This is mainly due to the high amounts of histamine in these foods.  As mentioned in our previous post, those with candida often suffer from histamine intolerance.

As a result, medicinal mushrooms can be a great option for obtaining more beta-glucans in the diet.  They’re naturally low in sugar and will not cause unwanted blood sugar spikes in the body.  Also, as an added bonus, most medicinal mushrooms contain potent anti-fungal properties.

The Bottom Line – Should you Eat Mushrooms?

Most store bought mushrooms are a waste of time in our opinion.  They lack the powerful medicinal and anti-fungal properties that can be seen in the mushrooms listed above.

Luckily, most of the mushrooms listed above can be purchased as an extract.  We personally like Host Defense mushroom products for medicinal mushroom needs.

In our opinion mushrooms can make an excellent addition to anyone following an anti-candida diet.  However, don’t expect to get the same benefits from your typical store bough mushrooms.  Most medicinal mushrooms must be purchased as a quality extract.

Follow a Candida Friendly Diet

Although mushrooms are great, following a well rounded gut sealing and candida friendly diet is where real changes can occur.  Most suffering from candida overgrowth are not eating the right foods and as a result their health suffers.  In fact, most of the so called “health foods” can actually make a candida condition much worse.

In particular, plant based diets can be disastrous for anyone suffering with candida overgrowth.  This is because such diets are high in sugar which can feed this pathogenic fungus.  Also, all plant based diets will contain high amounts of plant anti-nutrients.  These anti-nutrients are poisons produced by the plant in order to help protect it from being eaten.

Although various preparation methods can help to deactivate these anti-nutrients, those following a diet of mostly plants will be obtaining absurdly high amounts of these plant poisons.  It’s well know that a high intake of these anti-nutrients can lead to intestinal inflammation and can bind to minerals making them unavailable to the body.

Luckily, we’ve created a free candida diet eating strategy that can be implemented immediately.  We’ve included the best foods to consume for those suffering with candida overgrowth in an easy to follow eating strategy.  All of this information can be found on our Candida Diet Protocol Page!