Candida and Poor Liver Function | Is Candida to Blame for it?

If you suffer from liver problems you may have been told by doctors that there is nothing you can do to correct this problem.  However, you will be happy to know that this is not always the case.  In fact, liver problems are typically a result of a much bigger problem that is going on in the body.

Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that all the body’s organs are interconnected and work in perfect harmony with each other.  However, when a organ is functioning at a low level, all other organ systems in the body will become overburdened and suffer inevitably.

Those suffering from candida overgrowth in the gut always have poor digestive health and typically suffer from leaky gut or inflammation of the intestines.  This can lead to long term health consequences if not addressed and can actually cause stagnation of the liver.  Unfortunately, many are unaware of the fact that candida can contribute to liver dysfunction and often mistreat the problem.

With that said, cleaning up the gut and inhibiting the growth of candida may have a positive impact on the functioning of the liver.

Candida, Stomach, and the Liver

As mentioned before, all organ systems in the body are interconnected and work synergistically together in order to produce optimal health in the body.  For those unaware, the job of the liver is to filter the blood coming from the stomach before releasing it into all other parts of the body.

However, when the stomach is over run with fungal overgrowth’s such as candida, the blood coming from the stomach will contain high amounts of toxic byproducts.  In fact, it’s been shown that candida can release over 70 different toxic byproducts in the body.  Unfortunately, these toxic byproducts eventually get carried by the blood from the stomach and into the liver.

When this occurs, the liver can become overburdened with these toxic substances and the health and functioning of the liver will be greatly reduced.  Research has shown that gliotoxin, one of the toxic substances released by candida, can inhibit the functioning of the liver and cause damage to liver cells (1).  It’s for this reason that those suffering from liver problems, may in fact be dealing with a candida overgrowth in the gut.

Causes of Candida Overgrowth

We’ve covered candida extensively before on this website so if you haven’t done so, be sure to check out our candida homepage for full information.   However, for the sake of time, we will give a brief run down of what typically causes candida overgrowth in the body. 

The two biggest culprits of candida overgrowth in the gut are:

  • Poor Diet
  • Overuse of Antibiotics

How Diet Causes Candida

Diet plays an extremely role in those suffering from candida overgrowth’s in the gut.  High sugar and high carbohydrate diets are the perfect recipe for developing a candida overgrowth in the gut.  This is because the primary fuel of candida is sugar.  Candida uses these sugars, ferments them in the gut, and then releases toxic byproducts that result from the fermentation process.

Below is a small list of foods that can contribute to candida overgrowth in the gut:

  • Sugar
  • Starchy Carbohydrates
  • Processed Foods
  • Vegetable Oils (except coconut and olive oil)
  • Sugary Fruits

Although this is just a small list of foods, it gives you an idea of what types of foods can contribute to candida overgrowth.  As a rule of thumb, if it contains sugar, it will feed candida. 

Also, vegetable oils such as canola, grape seed, corn, and soybean can contribute to intestinal inflammation making a candida condition much worse (2).  Furthermore, processed foods that contain dietary emulsifiers can also contribute to poor gut health and can make it easier for candida to take over the gut (3).

How Antibiotics Promote Candida Overgrowth

It should be understood that antibiotics literally translates to “anti-life.”  This is because antibiotics not only wipes out the bad bacteria in gut, buy also the good bacteria.  When this occurs, it gives candida the opportunity to naturally overgrow.  Typically, good bacteria in the gut help keep candida in check and do not allow it to overgrow into its pathogenic fungal form.

Unfortunately, when antibiotics are overused in the body, it can destroy all the beneficial flora in the gut that typically keeps candida under control.  When the overuse of antibiotics is coupled with poor diet, the body has no chance against keeping candida levels under control.

Research has shown that the majority of the body’s immune system is dependent on the health and integrity of the gut (4).  When we destroy the gut flora with antibiotics, we effectively lower our immune system and our ability to fight off pathogenic fungus such as candida greatly reduces.

Furthermore, antibiotics are drugs.  All drugs enter in through the stomach and eventually have to be filtered by the liver.  As a result, not only can candida contribute to liver damage, but excessive use of antibiotic drugs can as well.

Inhibit Candida to Correct the Liver

If candida is the sole cause of your liver problems, the best way to get the liver functioning properly again is to inhibit the growth of candida. When the growth of candida is inhibited, it no longer produces its toxic byproducts which can damage the liver.  This can give the liver time to regenerate and heal from the constant onslaught of toxic substances.

Luckily, the liver is extremely resilient and is capable of fully healing and regenerating from damage. However, in order for this to occur, it must be given adequate amounts of time to do so.

It’s for this reason that we highly recommend you follow our candida diet protocol if you’re suffering from a candida overgrowth.  Our protocol was designed to inhibit the growth of candida, reduce inflammation in the gut, and return optimal health to the body.

Also, a quick way to naturally stop the growth of candida in the body is to cut out all sugar and starchy foods from the diet.  However, this is often times is not enough which is why we highly recommend you follow our candida diet protocol.

Herbs and Foods for the Liver

As well as following a correct diet, there are different types of herbs and foods that can be taken in order to help improve liver function.  Below is a small list of foods we have found to be extremely beneficial for the liver.

Reishi Mushroom

Reishi mushroom is great for both the liver and kidneys.  This medicinal mushroom has been used for centuries in order to promote both kidney and liver health.  In fact, Chinese Medicine believes its one the best herbs for increasing health and longevity in the body.


Turmeric is a powerful spice that is great for improving both digestion and the functioning of the liver.  It’s full of powerful anti-fungal properties which can help inhibit the growth of candida.  Research shows that the active compound in turmeric, curcumin, has an extremely beneficial effect on the liver and can help initiate repair (5).

Milk Thistle Seed

Milk thistle is an overall great herb for protecting the liver.  It’s been used for centuries in order to promote healthy liver function and protect against cell damage in the liver.  For best results, milk thistle seed is best consumed in tea form.

Dandelion Root

Dandelion root is powerful bitter herb that can help push toxins out of the liver.  Dandelion root has been used for centuries by ancient Native Americans in order to improve the elimination systems of the body and was frequently used a spring time tonic.

Nettle Leaf

Nettle leaf is another great herb for promoting movement of the lymphatic system and improving the body’s elimination systems.  As a result, it can be great for removing stagnation in the liver and eliminated toxic substances.

Cook Candida Friendly Meals

When looking to inhibit the growth of candida in the gut and body, it’s important that you cook all your meals at home and eat the foods laid out in our protocol.  For some, this can be a huge transition and can be extremely difficult to follow.

Luckily, we understand the challenges that come with changing the diet which is why we created our Crush Candida Recipe Cook Book.  This cook book contains delicious and mouthwatering recipes that are all designed to help inhibit the growth of candida.  If you worried about sticking to the diet recommended in our protocol, we highly recommend our candida recipe cook book in order to make the transition much easier.