Nausea and Candida | is this Fungus Making You Sick? Crush Candida

Millions of Americans each year suffer from intense nausea that can have an extremely negative effect on quality life.  In fact, this nausea can become so intense that it makes everyday tasks seem impossible.  As a result, many will revert to conventional medicine and will take medication based on their doctor’s recommendations.

Unfortunately, all medication can have negative side effects in the body and sometimes can make matters worse in the long run.  Luckily, if you suffer from chronic nausea on a daily basis then there is a good chance that it may be related to a dsybosis in the gut.   We say luckily because dysbiosis in the gut can be corrected as long as the right diet and protocol is put into place.

Also, when the gut is in a state of dysbiosis, there is a very good chance that you may suffer from bacterial and fungal overgrowth’s such as candida.  Candida is a pathogenic fungus which can cause all sorts of health problems in the body.  In fact, nausea is one of the many symptoms that candida can cause in the body.

You’re Tox-Sick not Sick

When individuals suffer from intense nausea on a daily basis, they’re under the impression that they have some sort of sickness.  Although there are various diseases which can be linked to nausea, bad eating habits and overall body toxicity is typically to blame.

In particular, when the body becomes overwhelmed with fungal overgrowth’s such as candida, the body’s lymphatic system becomes overwhelmed and cannot properly eliminate the toxicity fast enough.  Also, it’s important to understand that candida releases more than 70 different toxic byproducts into the body. 

These toxic byproducts can cause intense symptoms in the body such as nausea and fatigue.  If you suffer from nausea after eating a high carbohydrate meal, or sugar, there is a very good chance that you are suffering from a fungal overgrowth such as candida.

2 Major Toxic Byproducts Released by Candida

1. Acetaldehyde

This compound is a byproduct of the alcohol metabolism of candida and has been shown to be more toxic than alcohol itself.  For those unaware, candida ferments sugars in the gut which in return creates alcohol.  This compound is so toxic that the Department of Health has labeled it as a hazardous substance.

High amounts of this compound can lead to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation in the body.  In fact, there are studies showing that high amounts of acetaldehyde in the body can increase the risk of developing cancer (1)(2).  Unfortunately, one study showed that this toxic byproduct is even associated with degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s (3).

2. Gliotoxin

A harmful substance released by candida which can cause cell damage and can stop red blood cells from properly doing their job. This can cause major suppression in the body’s immune system and can be a major reason for immune system imbalances in the body (4). 

Those with candida who struggle to detox this substance can also suffer from nervous system disorders.  In fact, there have been several studies showing a correlation between gliotoxin and patients with multiple sclerosis (5)(6).

Lastly, the liver faces immense amounts of stress when the body becomes overwhelmed with gliotoxin and can further impair detoxification capabilities.  This is because gliotoxin has been shown to destroy liver cells and can further reduce the body’s ability to properly detoxify (7).

Inhibit the Candida to Stop the Nausea

If you suffer from chronic nausea and think you may be suffering from a candida overgrowth, you must change your diet.  Candida thrives on high sugar and high carbohydrate diets.  In fact, sugar is the main fuel source of this pathogenic fungus and is what gives it all of its strength.

We know this because candida has a sugar/alcohol metabolism.  When we cut all sugars and starchy foods from the diet, we effectively shut down the candida metabolism and inhibit its ability to reproduce.  When we do this, symptoms such as nausea and fatigue can naturally lift from the body.

However, if you think you may be suffering from a candida overgrowth in the body, we highly recommend you head over to our candida diet protocol page.  Here you will find everything you need to know about diet, how to correct the gut microbiome, and how to improve health naturally.  This protocol is broken down into three easy to follow phases and can be perfect for resetting the body and stopping symptoms related to candida.

4 Amazing Foods for Nausea

When it comes to dealing with chronic nausea there are various foods in which you can incorporate into your diet that can help relieve symptoms.  These foods should be used in tandem with out candida diet protocol for best results.

1. Bone Broth

Bone Broth is an amazing super food with several different health promoting properties.  Bone broth naturally contains high amounts of electrolytes which may help relieve nausea in some cases.  It also contains large amounts of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that can be used to repair the gut.  Bone broth is also great for building up stomach acid levels in the body which can naturally help neutralize pathogenic fungus and bacteria such as candida.

2. Mint

Brewing up a cup of mint tea can help alleviate persistent nausea.  This is mainly due to the methanol found within mint.  Methanol helps relax the muscles within the stomach and can help soothe inflammation in the gut.  Many report that drinking mint tea daily helps with symptoms such as nausea.  Mint also contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties making it perfect for inhibiting the growth of candida.

3. Ginger

Ginger is famous for helping in relieving symptoms such as nausea.  In fact, ginger has been shown to be extremely effective in preventing nausea and is great for those with motion sickness.  Ginger also contains powerful anti-fungal properties and can help naturally build stomach acid levels in the body.  For best results, consume ginger in tea form before meals.

4. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

If you suffer from chronic nausea and you think you may be suffering from a candida overgrowth in the body, putting a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar in your water can be a great strategy for naturally combating candida.

This is because raw apple cider vinegar naturally contains anti-fungal properties which can help inhibit the growth of candida in the body.  It’s also naturally acidic and can help in the formation of stomach acid.  As mentioned before, maintaining high stomach acid levels is important for neutralizing various pathogenic bacteria, fungus, and yeast that may be in the gut.

Apple cider vinegar is also an excellent source of malic acid.  Studies have shown that malic acid can help reduce symptoms of fatigue and induce faster recovery in the body (8).  Those with chronic nausea often suffer from fatigue as well.  It’s for this reason that raw ACV can be extremely useful for those suffering from fatigue due to nausea.

To take, simply put 2 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar in a liter of spring or filtered water.  Sip this solution throughout the day for best results.  You can also add a pinch of Celtic or Pink Himalayan sea salt in the drink in order to increase the electrolyte content.

Cook Anti-Candida Meals

As always, changing your diet is of the utmost importance if you suffer from chronic nausea.  This means all meals must be low sugar and low carbohydrate.  Our candida diet protocol goes over all the basics so that you aren’t left in the wind guessing what you should eat.

Also, making meals taste good and appealing is extremely important when sticking to the candida protocol.  We understand that changing diets can be a lot to handle for most people and making the transition as smooth as possible is a must.

It’s for this reason that we went ahead and created our Crush Candida Recipe Cook Book.  This recipe book is excellent for anyone wishing to cook healthy, satisfying, and anti-candida meals without giving up the flavor.  The meals in our recipe cook book are not only great for combating candida in the body, but they also taste amazing as well.

This recipe book contains over 20 different anti-candida recipes that will leave your mouth watering.  We’ve found that our recipe cook book makes the transition from diets much easier and almost effortless.

Also, many of the meals in the recipe book can be easily modified and is perfect for anyone wishing to add their own creativity to the recipes!