Can Candida Cause Anxiety and Depression? | The Answer May Surprise You

Millions of Americans suffer from debilitating anxiety and depression and are told they need medication in order to get well.  However, what has caused this sudden rise in anxiety and depression?  Over the last 50 years, reports of individuals suffering from chronic anxiety and depression as increased at an exponential rate.

In fact, research shows that antidepressant use among all ages has increased by almost 400% between the years of 2005 and 2008 (1).  Intuition and the state of our current society tell us that this number has substantially risen since then.

Yet, no one is asking questions as to why this is happening.  However, once you begin to understand the human body and how there is a connection between the gut and brain, the answer to this mystery becomes extremely clear.

How Gut Health Influences our Mood

Believe it or not, centuries ago, natural healers understood that the health of the gut has an impact on both the mental and physical aspects of an individual.  Hippocrates, the true father of natural medicine, once made the statement; “All disease and sickness starts in the gut.”

Yet, this simple truth was lost over the centuries up until recently.  Thankfully, research is now beginning to acknowledge the fact that there is a strong connection between the gut and brain.  Researches now refer to this as the “gut-brain-axis.”

Studies have shown that probiotic supplementation can significantly reduce symptoms such as anxiety and depression and are more effective than anti-depressants in maintaining healthy metabolism and body weight (2).

Unfortunately, the overuse of antibiotics in the body can cause severe negative shifts in the gut and can lead to bacterial and fungal overgrowth’s such as candida.  Fungal overgrowth’s such as candida are one the main reasons for poor gut health and inflammation in the intestines.

Candida and Mental Health

Those suffering either knowingly, or unknowingly, with a candida overgrowth in the body are at high risk of developing some type of mental health disorder.  This is because candida takes over the gut microbiome and can cause negative shifts in the gut bacteria.  Unfortunately, when this happens, the brain is less likely to manufacture proper neurotransmitters such as serotonin and symptoms such as anxiety and depression often result.

It’s important to understand that the neurotransmitter serotonin is manufactured in the gut.  When the gut is in a state of dsybosis, this neurotransmitter will not be properly manufactured.  Since candida alters the microbiome in a negative way, it’s highly likely that anyone who suffers from this fungal overgrowth will not be producing enough serotonin for good mental health.

Also, when overgrown, candida is notorious for releasing over 70 different types of toxic byproducts.  Some of these toxic substances include ethanol, acetaldehyde, and uric acid.  These toxic substances can also contribute to poor mental health and can also take their toll on the body physically.

It’s Not All in Your Head

Those who suffer from anxiety and depression are often told that it’s all in their head.  Family members and close friends begin to doubt the individual and begin to believe that it’s “all an act” in order to gain attention.  Unfortunately, this could not be further from the truth.

Those suffering from anxiety and depression often sense that something is “off” in their body.  They typically can’t pin point why they feel bad, but they know this is not their true self.  However, despite their best efforts, they just can’t seem to shake the feelings of doom and hopeless in their mind.

Luckily, once you begin to understand that those feelings of doom and hopelessness are a reflection of what is going on in the gut, everything begins to make sense.  These negative emotions and feelings that are associated with depression and anxiety is the body’s way of trying to warn the individual that something internally is wrong.

These negative emotions and feelings are trying to tell the individual that what they are eating is not working.  Due to lack of knowledge and understanding, very few make the connection that what they’re eating is actually a causative factor when it comes to impending feelings of doom and hopelessness.

Sugar – The Worst Food for Mental Health

The worst thing you can consume if you suffer from a candida overgrowth is sugar.  This means white sugar, fruit sugar, and starchy carbohydrates.  This is because sugar is the main fuel source of candida.  When large amounts of sugar are present in the body, candida is able to morph into its non-pathogenic yeast form and into its pathogenic fungal form.

When this occurs, poor mental health often results.  Unfortunately, years and years of bad eating habits can take its toll on the gut and can make getting rid of candida extremely difficult.  It’s for this reason that many with candida overgrowth’s often suffer from sugar cravings or the need for sweet foods after eating a low carbohydrate and low sugar meal.

In fact, sugar has absolutely no place in a healthy human diet.  Sugar was once only affordable by the rich, and as a result, many of the rich suffered from extremely poor health.  The poor often referred to this as “rich man’s disease,” not knowing that the sugar they were consuming was destroying their health.

If you suffer from poor mental health the first step that needs to be taken is to remove all sugar from the diet.  There is no exception to this rule and is mandatory if you wish to recover.  Unfortunately, many will regress back into their same eating habits because they do not replace the sugar with nutrient dense foods that keep the body satiated.

Use the Candida Diet Protocol

Those who think they may be suffering from a candida overgrowth and have poor mental can go to our candida diet protocol page.  We’ve laid out an easy to follow program that is completely free for you to view.  The protocol is broken down into 3 different phases and takes around a month to complete.  Also, be sure to check out our Crush Candida Recipe Cook Book for amazing and delicious meals that can keep you happy and healthy.

This protocol relies on traditional foods that have been used for centuries by healthy native peoples.  In fact, when looking for optimal health, Native Americans and their diets should be the gold standard.  These people were free from the degenerative disease of the west and were extremely robust and healthy.

Dr. Weston A. Price, a Dentist who studied the nutrition of these Native people over a century ago, found that their style of eating was drastically different than what we see today.  These people lived off what the land provided them and were extremely happy and well nourished.

Many of the foods included in our protocol come right from Dr. Weston A. Price’s observations.  The foods that Price found that these Natives were eating are extremely nutrient dense and contained a wide array of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and phytochemicals that are needed to sustain optimal health.

Quick Tips for Candida Overgrowth

If you think you may be suffering from a candida overgrowth in the body, there some simple steps you can take in order to naturally inhibit its growth.  Removing all sugar and high carbohydrate foods from the diet is obviously the fastest way to reduce candida in the body.  However, below are few things you can do that can also naturally inhibit the growth of candida.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Simply diluting your water with a couple tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar is great strategy for combating candida naturally.  This is because apple cider vinegar can naturally increase acidity in the stomach which can help neutralize bad bacteria and fungus.  It also contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which can help inhibit the growth of candida in the body.

2. Sea Salt

Using high quality sea salt such as Celtic of Pink Himalayan is a great way to naturally increase stomach acid levels in the body and help neutralize bad bacteria and fungus.  This is because sea salts contain an important element called chloride which is essential for the formation of stomach acid in the body.  It can also be used therapeutically throughout the day by placing a small salt crystal on your tongue and then washing it down with a glass of filtered or spring water.

3. Herbal Bitters

Bitter herbs consumed as a tea after meals is a great way to facilitate in digestion and increase the production of stomach acid.  This is because bitter foods naturally stimulate the vagus nerve which signals to the brain and gut to produce more stomach acid.  This increase in stomach acid not only helps in digestion, but it helps neutralize fungus such as candida that may be contributing to mental health disorders.