Eye Floaters and Candida | Are Your Eyes Being affected by this Fungus?

Have you ever looked up only find that there are tiny little specks floating in your eyes?  If so, you’re not alone.  Eye floaters affect millions of Americans and this number continues to grow each year.  Although, not life threatening, this condition can be extremely annoying and is usually a sign that something else is going on in the body.

Typically, this condition becomes worse when outside in the sunlight.  Many who suffer from this condition actually are not bothered by it while inside.  However, direct sunlight seems to reveal to the individual that something is not right.

Many doctors will brush this symptom off as “no big deal” and refer the individual to an eye specialist.  Unfortunately, this condition is hardly ever actually related to eyes, but rather a symptom of something bigger going on in the body.  In our experience, eye floaters, just like every other symptom in the body, always goes back to the health of gut.

Individuals with a dsybosis of the gut can experience extremely unusual symptoms that one would never think would be related to an imbalance of the gut.  Bacterial and fungal overgrowth’s such as candida play a huge role in dysfunctional guts and can wreak havoc on the body as a whole. If you haven’t done so already, please go to our homepage which covers candida in depth.

Candida, Eye Floaters, and Gut Health

As mentioned before, gut health plays an extremely important role in keeping the body healthy and free from sickness and disease.  In fact, it’s been estimated that the majority of our immune system is dependent on the health and integrity of our gut (1).

Those suffering from eye floaters may be suffering from a long term gut dsybosis due to a fungal overgrowth such as candida.  Candida is an extremely tricky fungus to get rid of and typically is a direct result of several years of bad eating habits.  A good question to ask is; do my eye floaters become worse after eating?  If you answered yes, there is an extremely good chance the condition is related to your gut.

When candida has taken control of the gut microbiome, all of the good bacteria get overcrowded by the bad bacteria.  When this happens, regaining control over the microbiome can become an uphill battle.  It’s for this reason that we highly recommend you follow our candida diet protocol in order to help inhibit the growth of candida and regain control over the gut.

Is Sugar to Blame?

If you consume a high sugar and high carbohydrate diet and suffer from eye floaters, you need to stop this behavior immediately.  Sugar is the perfect fuel for candida.  In fact, candida operates on a sugar/alcohol metabolism in order to survive and replicate.  When you stop consuming high amounts of sugar and starchy carbohydrates, you shut down the metabolism of candida and naturally inhibit its growth.

With that said, if you continue to consume large amounts of sugar, candida will continue to thrive.  It’s important to understand that candida ferments these sugars and then expels over 70 different toxic byproducts which can put tremendous amounts of stress on the body’s elimination systems.

Many of these toxic byproducts could also be contributing to eye floaters.  The only way to know for sure is to stop consuming sugar and replace it with nutrient dense foods that will not feed candida.  Again, a list of nutrient dense foods that should be consumed can be found on our candida diet protocol page.

Congested Liver and Eye Floaters

Many are unaware, but Traditional Chinese Medicine often tied eye floaters to a congested liver.  Many may be wondering why their liver is congested, however, it’s important to understand that all systems of the body are tied together.  For example, if you suffer from poor gut health due to candida; other organs in the body will become overburdened by this imbalance.

In particular, candida has been known to release a toxic substance called gliotoxin.  Research has shown that gliotoxin destroys cells in the liver (2).  For those unaware, the main job of the liver is to filter the blood that comes from the gut before releasing to all other parts of the body. 

Unfortunately, when the liver is not functioning properly due to damaged cells, toxic substances can get through unfiltered and pass into the bloodstream.  This typically results in an immune response and can cause all sorts of symptoms.  In fact, this liver deficiency could be why you’re seeing floaters in your eyes.

Luckily, the liver is capable of regenerated itself and is an extremely resilient organ.  With that said, inhibiting the growth of candida and re-balancing the gut microbiome needs to be done before all other healing can take place.

Simple Recipe for Inhibiting Candida Growth

As well as following our candida diet protocol, there are several different tricks and strategies that can be used in order to inhibit the growth of candida.  In particular, we discovered a fairly useful recipe that was brought to our attention by Dr. Ray Peat. 

This recipe includes:

1 raw organic shredded carrot
Pinch of Celtic Sea Salt
Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tablespoon of Organic Coconut Oil

Raw Carrot

It contains powerful anti-fungal properties which have been shown to help inhibit the growth of several pathogenic bacteria and fungus as well as candida (3).  Although raw carrots are considered starchy and contain small amounts of sugar, they seem to be extremely beneficial in their raw form when it comes to inhibiting the growth of fungus in the body.

Celtic Sea Salt

A natural anti-microbial and helps in the formation of stomach acid due to its high amounts of chloride.  Raising stomach acid is critical for neutralizing bad bacteria and fungus in the gut and can help promote optimal health in the body.

Apple Cider Vinegar

An extremely powerful anti-fungal and ancient folk remedy for various aliments in the body.  ACV can naturally contribute to raising stomach acid levels in the body due to its natural acidity.  It also contains malic acid which can help reduce fatigue in the body.

Coconut Oil

A powerful food that has been used for centuries in order to promote health and healing, coconut oil contains an anti-fungal substance called lauric acid. This Lauric acid can naturally help eliminate bad bacteria in the gut and inhibit the growth of candida in the body.

How to Make Carrot Salad Recipe

The recipe is extremely simple and takes under a minute to prepare.  Simply shred one whole organic carrot into a bowel.  Next, add 1 tablespoon of both ACV and coconut oil.  Lastly, add a pinch of Celtic sea salt to taste and enjoy!

When first starting the raw carrot salad it’s important that you take it slow at first.  Adding more carrots to the recipe does not mean better results.  In fact, carrots naturally contain small amounts of sugar and should not be consumed in excess.  However, one carrot seems to work well for most people without issue. It’s best to eat this recipe separate from all other meals.  We personally like it first thing in the morning!

Signs you may be suffering from Candida Overgrowth

Although everyone will display slightly different signs when dealing with a candida overgrowth, there seems to be a few common signs that most experience.  Below is a small list of common symptoms associated with a candida overgrowth in the body.

  • White Tongue
  • Bloating After Eating
  • Brain Fog
  • Anxiety or Depression
  • Food Allergies
  • Histamine Intolerance
  • Chronic Constipation/Diarrhea

Incorporate Candida Friendly Meals into Your Diet

It’s important that when you begin to change your diet for the better that you have delicious and healthy meals that you will want to eat.  It’s for this reason that we created our candida recipe cook book.  We know how hard it is when first changing your diet and the importance of having food that taste good in order to make the transition easier.

Our candida recipe cook book contains over 20 different mouthwatering recipes that can help inhibit the growth of candida in the body.  Also, many of the recipes in the cook book can be easily modified and altered to just about anyone’s liking.

It’s also an instant download so there is no waiting around.  You have access to all of our delicious anti-candida recipes in a matter of minutes!