Chia Seeds for Candida | Why These Super Seeds May be Beneficial

If you suffer from candida overgrowth, chances are you’ve researched various foods that can help combat against this pathogenic fungus. 

That being said, very few foods ever live up to the hype and seem to have little to no effect on candida overgrowth in the body.  However, chia seeds in our experience are the exception.

These seeds have been used for centuries by ancient Mayan warriors in order to promote vigor and strength in the body.  In fact, it was extremely common for warriors to consume chia seeds prior to the beginning of a long hunt or battle.  The Mayans believed that the chia seeds gave them long lasting energy which gave them an advantage over both their prey and enemies.

But what about Candida; are chia seeds good for candida overgrowth?  In our opinion, chia seeds are an excellent option for those dealing with candida overgrowth in the body.  However, you will want to make yourself familiar with these super seeds before you introduce them into your diet.

Luckily, by the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of the benefits of chia seeds and if they’re right for you.

Chia Seeds Contain Mucilaginous Properties

If you suffer from candida overgrowth, chances are you’re also dealing with high amounts of intestinal inflammation.  For those unaware, it’s extremely common for individuals to suffer from intestinal disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) when there is a colonization of candida in the gut (1).

This intestinal inflammation can result in poor absorption of nutrients and can cause the intestines to become permeable or “leaky.”  Those dealing with gut permeability issues often times suffer from both food allergies and food sensitivities (2).  It’s one of the biggest reasons for the development of food allergies in those dealing with chronic candida overgrowth.

Luckily, chia seeds contain mucilaginous properties which can help soothe the digestive system.  However, in order to get the benefits of the mucilaginous properties in chia seeds, they need to be soaked in water for at least 24 hours.  The soaking process causes the chia seeds to swell up to 10 times of its original size and causes the seeds to release a “gel-like” substance. 

This gel-like substance is extremely soothing to the intestines and can be used to help combat intestinal inflammation.  Also, the soaking process naturally reduces the anti-nutrient content in the seeds and makes the nutrition within them more bio-available to the body.

However, for those dealing with extremely irritable and inflamed intestines, simply run the seeds through a cheese cloth until the gel-like substance is separated from the seeds.  Consume the gel-like substance and discard the seeds.  This well help to minimize the irritation that may come from the seeds in those with high amounts of intestinal inflammation.

Excellent Source of Omega 3’s

Although being from the plant kingdom, chia seeds are an amazing source of omega 3’s.  However, it’s important to make it clear that the omega 3’s found in chia seeds are ALA.  Both DHA and EPA are both considered essential and can only be obtained from animal sources.

Nonetheless, there are several different benefits that can come from consuming ALA.  In particular, research has shown that ALA can help protect against inflammation and may help to protect against cardiovascular disease (3).

It should be mentioned that those dealing with candida overgrowth are oftentimes dealing with high amounts of inflammation in the body.  This is because candida can release several different toxic byproducts into the body which can contribute to bodily inflammation.  Luckily, the omega 3’s present in chia seeds can help combat against this inflammation.

However, in order to get the benefits of these omega 3’s, chia seeds should be soaked.  Raw chia seeds are to hard for the body to digest and little to no nutrition will actually be obtained when the raw seeds are consumed.  The soaking process helps to break open the hard outer shell and naturally makes the omega 3’s more readily available to the body.

Potential For Being a Good Protein Source

One of the biggest claims about chia seeds are their high protein content.  Around two tablespoons of chia seeds will yield around 7 grams of protein.  However, much of this protein is not available to the body.

Although soaking, fermenting, cooking, and boiling are all techniques that can be used to make nutrients in seeds more available to the body, much of the protein will still remain in the indigestible fiber and will not be absorbed by the body.

Yet, if properly prepared, chia seeds can in fact add small amounts of protein into your diet.  However, they should not be relied upon as your main protein source.

That being said, protein is very important for those dealing with candida overgrowth in the body.  This is because protein is what the body uses to regenerate and repair itself.  Healthy fats are also crucial for those dealing with this pathogenic fungal overgrowth.  In our opinion, although plants foods can be good, high quality animal foods are the best source of bioavailable protein.

Contains Anti-Nutrients

Plant anti-nutrients can become a real problem if consumed in excess.  Anti-nutrients such as lectins, which are present in most seeds and nuts, have been shown to contribute to intestinal inflammation (4).  It’s for this reason that special preparation methods should be used whenever using plant foods as a food source.

As mentioned before, soaking, fermenting, boiling, and cooking are all methods that can be used to reduce the anti-nutrients found in plants.  This results in less intestinal irritation and increases digestibility.

Chia seeds are no exception to this rule.  In order to get the full benefits of these seeds, they should be soaked for at least 24 hours before being consumed.  Also, cooking in water is another option for quickly reducing the anti-nutrient content present in chia seeds.

Consuming raw seeds should never be practiced.  The raw seeds will contain anti-nutrients which can actually lead to intestinal inflammation.  As a result, you will always want to use special preparation methods whenever consuming these seeds.

Great Source of Fiber

Chia seeds are one of the best sources of fiber in the world.  They are notorious for helping to combat conditions such as constipation and can help keep bowel movements more regular.  When soaked, the mucilaginous properties in chia seeds helps to coat the digestive lining and helps to lubricate the intestines.

The fiber in chia seeds also helps the body stay fuller longer.  As a result, they can be a get food to incorporate into the diet for anyone trying to lose weight.  They’re also great to consume before activity due to their natural ability to promote energy in the body.

They Contain Zero Sugar

One of the biggest positives of chia seeds is the lack of sugar.  Those dealing with candida overgrowth probably already know that sugar is a big “no no” if you wish to inhibit the growth of this pathogenic fungus.  This is because sugar is the main fuel source of candida.  Without sugar, the growth of candida will naturally be inhibited.

Luckily, chia seeds are full of healthy fats and contain no sugar.  It’s for this reason that they can be a good option for candida sufferers.  In fact, many find that chia seeds actually help to curb their cravings for sweet foods!

The Bottom Line – Should You Eat Chia Seeds?

Chia seeds can be great for both those suffering with candida overgrowth and for those wishing to improve overall health.  Depending on the integrity of your gut, you may want to take it slow with chia seeds in the beginning.  Although soaking does reduce the majority of the anti-nutrients present in these seeds, some individuals still may be sensitive to these natural enzyme inhibitors in the seeds.

That being said, we never recommend the use of raw chia seeds.  Always make sure you properly prepare them before consumption.

Also, for those interested in a free candida diet eating strategy, please visit our Candida Diet Protocol Page for more information.  Here you will find everything you need to know about the best and worse foods to be consuming if you suffer from candida overgrowth!