Dairy and Candida Overgrowth | Is it Making Your Candida Worse?

Dairy has become a hot topic among those following an anti-candida diet.  Many claim it’s extremely inflammatory and should be avoided at all costs.  These individuals claim that all dairy products are extremely allergenic and cause an inflammatory response in the body.

Dairy also contains sugar (lactose) which could possibly feed candida in the body.  In fact, lactose intolerance is extremely prevalent among the general population and most cannot properly digest milk products.

However, can dairy have a place on a candida diet? Or will it make a candida condition much worse?

These are all questions we hope to answer.  By the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of the pros and cons of dairy and if it’s right for you!

The Problems With Modern Dairy

When most talk about dairy, they’re often referring to the factory farmed, grain-fed, and antibiotic filled products that are common in almost all supermarkets.  These milk products are in fact extremely inflammatory and should not be part of the diet of anyone suffering with candida overgrowth.

Commercially raised dairy products will naturally contain inflammatory compounds that can wreak havoc on the digestive system.  Those dealing with candida overgrowth will already be suffering with immense amounts of intestinal inflammation.  As a result, when inferior dairy products are added into the diet, intestinal inflammation will naturally be increased.

It’s important to understand that grain fed cows will always display signs of poor health and inflammation.  This is because grains are the not the correct food source of these fragile animals.  All cows are designed to digest grasses and have a stomach (rumen) to do so.

Consequently, dairy produced by inflamed cows being given high amounts of antibiotics will naturally produce highly inflammatory and allergenic dairy products.

Will Lactose Feed Candida?

As mentioned before, dairy is very high in the sugar lactose.  Although not technically the same type of sugar found in processed foods, lactose could still have a negative effective in those with candida.

For those unaware, candida operates on a sugar metabolism.  This means it requires sugar from its host in order to survive and multiply.  It’s for this reason that those suffering with a candida overgrowth often times follow a diet that is extremely high in both sugar and starchy carbohydrates.

Interestingly, research has shown that various milk samples coming from cows displaying signs of high amounts of inflammation was contaminated with high amounts of candida yeast (1).

Again, just like humans, when cows are fed the incorrect diet, they too can develop yeast and fungal overgrowth’s in the body such as candida.  Unfortunately, consuming contaminated dairy products filled with candida yeast can be disastrous for those already suffering from this pathogenic fungal overgrowth.

In fact, it’s important to understand that there are several different species of candida.  The last thing you want to do if you suffer from candida overgrowth is introduce different species of this fungus into your diet.

High Quality Grass-Fed Dairy

At this point you may be thinking that dairy is one of the worst things you can consume if you suffer from candida overgrowth.  Although there may be some truth in this thinking, it’s not entirely true.

High quality grass-fed dairy products coming from cows raised without antibiotics who are eating a diet full of green grass is a whole other story.  In fact, such dairy products will be a rich source of both vitamin K2 and vitamin D which can help boost the immune system and reduce inflammation (2)(3).  Those suffering from candida overgrowth often times have a weakened immune system and can use all the help they can get.

Not to mention quality dairy products are an excellent source of fat soluble vitamins which can help build the body and protect both the bones and teeth.

In fact, the Maasai, a fierce tribe out of Africa, consumes a diet primarily of dairy and small amounts of meat.  They are known to be the “lion killers” since they will frequently spear down and kill lions who attack their cattle.  Throughout history it could be seen that the Maasai dominated all other tribes that surrounded them.

Their physical stature and athletic ability is simply outstanding.  Yet, despite following a diet heavy in dairy, the Maasai suffer from no digestive problems such as candida.  In fact, they display robust health and are known to remain very strong into old age.

We dare anyone to tell the Maasai that dairy products are bad for overall health!

Should You Eat Dairy if You Suffer From Candida?

There is no easy answer to this question.  However, based on historical evidence, it can be seen that high quality dairy products seems to serve some individuals very well.

That being said, all forms of commercial dairy products should definitely not be consumed by anyone with candida overgrowth, or by anyone seeking optimal health.  Such dairy products have been shown time and time again to contain inflammatory properties which can have an overall negative effect in the body.

However, there is room for argument that high quality grass-fed dairy products could be beneficial on a candida diet.  It should be mentioned that high quality milk products will still contain lactose (sugar).

For those worried about if the lactose in milk will feed candida, making milk kefir is one way to get around this.  Kefir contains no lactose.  This is because the fermentation process naturally digests all the lactose in the milk and produces beneficial strains of probiotics in return. 

It’s for this reason that we highly recommend if you’re going to consume milk products, use a high quality kefir.  Kefir can be made at home through the use of kefir grains.  Kefir grains are a small symbiotic culture of beneficial yeast and bacteria that help to digest the lactose present in the milk.  The end result is a slightly sour and tangy probiotic rich drink.

In fact, research observed that lactobacilli, a bacteria present in kefir, displayed antagonistic behavior against both E. coli and Candida (4).

As a result, high quality kefir can be an excellent option for those combating candida overgrowth in the body and can introduce beneficial probiotics into the system.

Introduce Dairy Slowly into the Diet

There is ongoing research showing that intolerances to dairy can be corrected by slowly introducing it into the diet slowly.  This means starting as small as a teaspoon a day and working your way to higher levels.

This gives the gut a chance to adjust and discourages any negative reactions that may occur when introducing it to fast into the diet.  Also, this can help the individual gauge how dairy may be effecting their body without suffering negative digestive consequences that may result at higher doses. 

Beyond Dairy – The Best Candida Friendly Foods

In our experience, dairy is a toss up when it comes to candida overgrowth.  Some may get amazing results when high quality dairy products are introduced into the diet.  On the other hand, many may find that they respond negatively to all forms of dairy products no matter how good of quality they may be.

However, we have never witnessed anyone respond negatively to high quality animal meat.  In fact, animal protein should from the base of anyone’s diet who is suffering with candida overgrowth, or looking to increase overall health.  To be clear, proteins and fats are essential for survival; carbohydrates are not.

As a result, this should be a clear indicator of what the body was designed to consume.  The fact that we cannot digest cellulose is another indication of how plant foods should serve as supplemental items in the diet, while quality animal foods should form the base.

For those interested, be sure to check out our free Candida Diet Protocol for a full candida eating strategy.  Here you will find everything you need to know about candida and what foods you should and shouldn’t be consuming.

Also, our Crush Candida Cookbook is great for anyone looking to begin cooking gut friendly and anti-candida meals at home!