The Best Protein Sources To Include on a Candida Diet

If you’ve landed on this page, chances are you suffer from chronic candida overgrowth.  You’ve also probably learned that diet and consuming adequate amounts of protein can play a very important role in combating and inhibiting the growth of candida.

As a result, we won’t bore you with the candida diet basics.  We’re sure you already know that high sugar and high carbohydrate foods are the primary cause of candida overgrowth the body.

That being said, consuming adequate amounts of high quality protein can be essential for recovering from candida overgrowth.  It should be mentioned that the body requires both proteins and fats for survival; making them both essential. 

However, carbohydrates are non-essential and the body is able to live perfectly fine without them.  This fact alone should give us a clue as to what type of diet the human body prefers. 

The consumption of high quality protein cannot be emphasized enough for anyone dealing with candida overgrowth.  Proteins and healthy fats are what give the body the building blocks it needs so it can heal.

Knowing this, we’ve put together the best protein sources to consume on your candida diet!

Top 5 Best Protein Sources for a Candida Diet

1. Liver

If you aren’t consuming liver, you need to start consuming this superfood.  High quality liver is the most nutrient dense food on the planet.  It’s so nutrient dense that researchers have begun to consider fortifying food products with it in foreign developing countries in order to prevent nutritional deficiencies in the population (1)

Liver is full of essential fat soluble vitamins A,D, and K.  It also contains high amounts of trace minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, and phosphorus.

Those dealing with candida overgrowth are often at risk of developing nutrient deficiencies due to poor intestinal health.  This is because candida often causes intestinal conditions such as gut permeability and low stomach acid levels.

Even just consuming liver once or twice a week can give the body a huge boost in terms of nourishment.  In fact, it was well known among hunter gatherer tribes that animal liver promotes energy and vitality in the body.

For those put of by consuming liver, try starting off with something small such as extra virgin cod liver oil.  Most can easily tolerate a high quality cod liver oil supplement without issue.  As an added benefit, cod liver oil is high in the brain protecting omega 3’s DHA and EPA. 

2. Grass-Fed Red Meat

Not enough can be said about high quality beef coming from grass-fed animals.  However, don’t expect to get the same benefits from grain-fed commercially raised meat.  Grain fed beef is full of anti-biotics and steroids which can have an overall negative effect on health.

Furthermore, research has already shown that the fatty acid profile of grass-fed beef is far superior to that of grain-fed (2).

In particular, grass-fed beef is going to contain high amounts of bioavailable zinc.  Maintaining healthy zinc levels is crucial if you’re suffering from a pathogenic fungal overgrowth such as candida.

It’s been shown that a deficiency in zinc can promote the growth of a hyper active form of candida yeast cells which researchers have coined Goliath Cells (3).

Luckily, consuming high quality grass-fed beef is an excellent way to naturally boost zinc levels in the body.  Also, in a 4 ounce serving, there is around 24 grams of high quality protein.  Not to mention grass-fed beef contains an abundance of vitamins, minerals, amino acids that serve as building blocks in the body.

Grass-fed organic beef is by far one of the best things you can consume if you suffer from candida issues in the body!

3. Wild Caught Fish

Due to the boom in farmed raised fish, finding high quality wild caught fish has become a daunting task depending on your location.  However, if it’s available to you, wild caught fish is an amazing source of protein to include on your candida diet.

A typical 4 ounce serving of wild caught white fish will contain anywhere between 20-25 grams of protein.  Also, fish contains the highest concentration of bioavailable B12 than compared to any other food.  B12 is essential for maintaining the health of the brain and protecting against degenerative conditions (4).

Furthermore, wild caught fish is a great source of both omega 3’s DHA and EPA.  It should be mentioned that these two essential omega 3’s only occur in animal foods and do not occur naturally in plants.  That being said, wild caught fish is going to be your best source of these critical omega 3’s

DHA and EPA are so essential, that researchers have found that both of these fatty acids play an important role in the protection of degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia (5)(6).

As a result, eating wild caught fish can be an excellent strategy for boosting vitamin, fatty acid, and mineral content in the body while eating an anti-candida diet.

4. Chia Seeds

Typically we refrain from relying on plants as a protein source due to absorption issues that often occur.  However, chia seeds can have immense value for anyone dealing with candida.

Although chia seeds are relatively high in protein, they should not be relied upon as a staple food.  Instead, chia seeds should be used as a supplemental food item and preferably between meals.  When soaked, chia seeds become very mucilaginous and can help soothe the digestive system.

This can be great for those with candida since this pathogenic fungus naturally creates high amounts of intestinal inflammation in the body.

That said, we do not recommend you consume raw chia seeds.  The raw seeds will be full of anti-nutrients which can actually make intestinal inflammation worse.  However, soaking them overnight significantly reduces the gut irritating anti-nutrients and creates a gut soothing gel like substance.

We personally like to soak chia seeds in coconut milk overnight.  The end result is an amazing anti-candida snack that can sustain energy levels for hours.  Simply eat a couple spoonful’s of it in between meals to help prevent cravings and provide long lasting energy.  For best results, cover this mixture in a glass mason jar and store in the refrigerator.

5. Pastured Chicken

Chicken is one of the best protein sources in the world.  It has served humanity for centuries and has remained a staple in various cultures around the world.  A 4 ounce serving of chicken breast will contain around 25 grams of protein.

However, chicken has special properties when it comes to fighting off candida.  In particular, Chinese Medicine teaches that fungal overgrowth’s such as candida are often a direct result of an accumulation of “dampness” in the body.  Chinese Medicine teaches that this dampness must be combated with “drying” foods.

Luckily, according to Chinese Medicine, chicken is one the most drying protein sources an individual can consume.  It’s for this reason that high quality chicken is recommended for anyone following a candida diet.

However, don’t waste your money on skinless chicken breast.  Instead, purchase the whole bird.  Only in America do we consume high amounts of muscle meat and discard the fatty parts of the animal.  Not only will you be saving money by buying the whole chicken, but you will also be getting more fat soluble vitamins and minerals into your diet.

Try our Candida Cookbook

We’ve included many of the protein sources listed above into our Crush Candida Cookbook.  This cookbook was designed to help individuals cook mouthwatering recipes while following a candida diet.  We highly recommend it to anyone looking for delicious recipes that are candida friendly!

Also, to learn more about what foods are actually good for candida, be sure to visit our Diet Protocol Page for a free candida eating strategy that you can begin using today!