Crush Candida | Frequently Asked Questions About Candida

Q. What is Candida?

Candida is a pathogenic fungus that can develop in the gut of the human body.  With that said, everyone needs small amounts of candida in the body in order for optimal health.  In fact, this yeast plays an extremely important role in the health and maintenance of the human body.  However, this yeast is extremely opportunistic and can morph into a pathogenic fungus when conditions allow.  It causes severe issues in the body when it makes its way from the large intestines into the small intestines and eventually even into the bloodstream.

Q. What Causes Candida?

There are several different causes which can trigger a candida overgrowth in the body.  Typically, candida overgrowth is triggered by too much sugar and processed foods in the diet.  The primary fuel source of yeast, mold, and fungus in the body is sugar.  Unfortunately, the majority of the population consumes way too much sugar and many suffer from digestive troubles as a result.  The overuse of antibiotics can also trigger candida overgrowth in the body since antibiotics effectively lower the good bacteria in the gut which help keep candida in check.

Q. What are the Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth?

There are several different symptoms associated with candida overgrowth in the body.  However, the most typical are digestive disorders, IBS, acid reflux, nutritional deficiencies, cloudy thinking, and food allergies.   With that said, an overgrowth can cause many other not so common symptoms in the body that often get misdiagnosed.  In fact, there are millions of Americans who suffer from a candida overgrowth without even knowing!  Often times, individuals will suffer for years without knowing the true cause of the mysterious symptoms in their body.

Q. What Foods Cause Candida?

As mentioned before, candida is opportunistic yeast that will morph into a pathogenic fungus if given the chance.  The main reason that candida is able to morph into its pathogenic form is because it’s given the perfect fuel to do so; SUGAR!  High carbohydrate diets and diets containing high amounts of sugar is the perfect recipe for candida overgrowth.  This is because sugar is the main fuel source of candida.  In fact, candida is simply doing it’s the job; it’s breaking down the high amounts of toxic sugar in the body. 

It must be understood that whatever we eat, the body will produce certain types of bacteria in order to break it down.  Consequently, when we eat correctly (a low sugar diet) the body has no need for candida and it simply returns to its un-pathogenic yeast form in the body.  The best foods for reducing candida are high quality organic animal foods and healthy fats.

Q. Can you eat Fruits when you Have Candida?

It depends.  Almost all fruits grown now contain 50 times more sugar than their wild grown counterparts.  This is because they have been hybridized for centuries and selectively chosen in order to produce the most juicy and sugary fruit possible.  All natural fruit that is a product of nature and which has not been tampered with by man is extremely low in sugar and typically is very sour.  Also, it should be mentioned that up into recently, fruit was a seasonal item and was never a staple in the diet.

The Banana is the best example of the extreme hybridization that has taken place over the several decades.  Wild bananas are full of seeds, able to reproduce on their own, and contain hardly any sugar. However, domesticated bananas contain extremely high amounts of sugar, contain no seeds, and cannot reproduce on their own. 

Unfortunately, these sugary unnatural foods can feed candida in the body and cause a whole host of problems.  Most of society has destroyed their natural palate and as a result constantly crave sweet foods.  However, a quick look into nature shows that this style of eating is unrealistic and not beneficial for the human body.  Fruit should always be consumed in season and high sugar domesticated fruits should be avoided all together.

Q. Can I Eat Potatoes if I have Candida?

Again, potatoes are a high starch food that breakdown into simple sugars in the body.  Typically consuming starchy vegetables in moderation such as potatoes is not a problem when candida is under control and a correct traditional diet is being followed.  However, starchy vegetables may need to be removed for some time until candida returns into its non-pathogenic yeast form.  Many find that once they have candida under control and the gut microbiome operating at optimal function, starchy vegetables can be re-added into the diet in moderation.  However, these foods should never be the main source of calories in one’s diet and should always act as “supplemental foods.”

Q. How Long Does it Take to Get Rid of Candida?

This is highly individual and depends how long one has been suffering from a candida overgrowth in the body.  If an individual has been suffering for years with candida then don’t expect to get rid of it overnight.  Getting rid of candida can be extremely difficult and following a correct diet is necessary in order to inhibit its growth and put it back into its non-pathogenic yeast form.  However, most can find almost immediate relief from several different symptoms once a proper diet is put into place and followed.

Q. Can I Consume Grains if I have Candida?

Unfortunately, grains are a high carbohydrate food which can feed candida in the gut.  It’s best to avoid grains all together until proper healing of gut has taken place.  However, once candida is effectively lowered, grains can be consumed in small amounts.  Again, these foods should not serve as staples in the diet and should act as supplemental foods. 

Also, many grains have been hybridized to contain more gluten or are genetically modified.  It’s for these reasons that if you are going to consume bread, always make your own!  This can simply be done by buying ancient grain flour such as einkorn.  Furthermore, making sourdough breads can dramatically reduce the inflammatory properties of grains and is less harsh on the digestive system.

Q. Can I Consume Coffee if I Have Candida?

Coffee should be avoided if one is dealing with a candida overgrowth in the body.  This is because coffee contains caffeine which can overstimulate the nervous system.  Typically, the body’s nervous system is already overstimulated if you suffer from a candida overgrowth.  As a result, consuming coffee with a candida overgrowth can negatively affect the healing process and put unwanted stress on the body’s natural systems.  Instead, there are many herbal teas which can be consumed that can help calm the body and help inhibit the growth candida.  Some of these herbal teas include dandelion, nettle, olive leaf, ginger, peppermint, and cinnamon.

Q. What Foods Fight Candida?

The best way to understand which foods fight candida is to look into nature.  The most abundant food in nature is animal foods, followed by medicinal plants and the occasional starch, and non-sugary seasonal fruit.  This means the diet should be compromised of primarily animal foods and fats, small amounts of starch, and the occasional fruit.

In fact, many un-contacted tribes around the world such as the ones still living in the Amazon rainforest can be seen still eating this way.  These people are extremely robust, healthy, and free from the degenerative disease of the modern world.  Animal protein and fat makes up a huge portion of these peoples diets and they live off what the land provides. 

Weston A. Price, a dentist who studied these native peoples almost a century ago observed the amazing health these people displayed.  He found that sugar was completely absent from these peoples diets and that animal foods and small amounts of plant foods were always consumed.  If you have not done so, we highly recommended you read his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.

Q. Are Bananas good for Candida?

If you suffer from a candida overgrowth, avoiding bananas at all costs is a must!  As mentioned before, bananas are extremely hybridized and contain far too much sugar.  In fact, wild bananas are full of seeds, contain tiny amounts of fruit flesh, and are not very sweet at all.  Modern bananas are more like a science experiment gone wrong.  They contain far too much sugar and despite being a fruit, can spike blood sugar levels in the body.  As a result, you will want to avoid bananas if you wish to get a candida overgrowth under control.

Q. How Long do you Stay on a Candida Diet?

This is highly individual.  However, switching to a more traditional way of eating should be viewed more as lifestyle change and not a diet.  Once you start to feel better and much more nourished, there should be little desire to go back to bad eating habits that will make you feel bad.  In fact, the Candida diet is not a diet at all but simply the way we were designed to eat!