Manuka Honey and Candida | An Ancient New Zealand Super Food

Manuka honey has been used for centuries by Native New Zealand Islanders as both food and medicine.  Most notably, the Maori warrior tribe were well known for using manuka honey in order to induce faster wound healing and provide nourishment to the body.

Those who are lucky enough to get their hands on high quality manuka honey, prize it for its regenerative and healing properties towards the body.  Many find that small amounts of manuka honey each day can help improve overall digestion and can protect against digestive distress.

Interestingly, those suffering with candida have reported great results by incorporating the medicinal honey into their diet.  However, is manuka honey really good for candida, or is it overhyped?  Also, how much manuka honey do you need to take if you have candida overgrowth?

Luckily, we’ve answered all these questions plus more in the post below.  By the end, you will have a better understanding as to why manuka honey is a powerful food for combating against pathogenic fungal overgrowth’s such as candida!

What is Manuka Honey?

Unlike most honey which is created by worker bees pollinating various flowers and herbs, manuka honey is the byproduct of the pollination of the manuka flower.  Research is clear that manuka honey is extremely medicinal and can be used to treat various virus and bacteria (1).

When worker bees pollinate this medicinal flower, the beneficial properties naturally get carried over into the honey.  This allows for easy absorption and assimilation of the key medicinal properties present in the honey.  It’s for this reason that manuka honey is often referred to as both food and medicine.

Not only does this liquid gold superfood provide the body with high amounts of medicinal properties, it also nourishes the body with its high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

Can Help Combat Irritable Bowel Syndrome

It’s been well known among researchers that most patients dealing with digestive disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) also unknowingly suffer from a colonization of candida in the gut (2)

It’s for this reason that most dealing with this pathogenic fungus oftentimes have severe digestive conditions such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and gas.  Typically, these symptoms get diagnosed as  conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome when in reality the sole cause is an overgrowth of pathogenic fungi such as candida.

Interestingly, research has shown that manuka honey can help to improve the gut microbiome balance between bacteria (3).  This improvement in balance can help to prevent conditions such as an intestinal dysbiosis which can eventually lead to conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Consequently, supplementing the diet with a quality manuka honey in combination with an anti-candida diet can be very beneficial for naturally combating this pathogenic fungal overgrowth.

Naturally Contains Anti-Fungal Properties

One of the great things about manuka honey is its high presence of naturally occurring anti-fungal properties.  These anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties can help to combat fungal overgrowth’s such as candida and can be great for sterilizing the gut of pathogens.

One study found that manuka honey helped to inhibit the growth of several different strains of candida (4).

Taking manuka honey daily is a good insurance policy for helping to prevent further growth of this pathogenic fungus.  Its powerful anti-fungal properties is one the main reasons several individuals experience an almost immediate improvement in digestive health.

Manuka Honey Contains Hydrogen Peroxide

Raw manuka honey, as well as all raw honey’s in general, naturally contains small amounts of hydrogen peroxide.  However, this hydrogen peroxide content is especially rich in honey’s such as manuka.

Obtaining hydrogen peroxide from natural food sources such as honey can be very beneficial for those dealing with fungal overgrowth’s.  In fact, in the right amounts, it can help to clear the digestive tract of possible pathogens such as yeast and fungi.

Interestingly, research has shown that hydrogen peroxide contains powerful anti-fungal properties and can be used to help inhibit the growth of candida (5).

That being said, we do not recommend you start drinking hydrogen peroxide from the bottle.  Instead, focus on consuming foods that are naturally rich in this substance such as raw manuka honey.

Excellent Source of B-Vitamins

All raw honey such as manuka are naturally a high source of B-vitamins.  B-vitamins are essential for maintaining a balanced mood and preventing against both anxiety and depression (6)(7).

Unfortunately, most do not obtain enough B-vitamins in their diet.  This can be because of several different reasons but mainly has to do with poor diet.  In fact, the diet of the general population is lacking in the proper B-vitamins needed for optimal health.

Low energy, fatigue, anxiety, and depression are all signs that an individual may be B-vitamin deficient.  Those dealing with candida overgrowth are typically at even a higher risk of developing a B-vitamin deficiency due to absorption issues in the gut. 

It’s well known that the overgrowth of candida can contribute to conditions such as gut permeability (8).  When the gut becomes permeable, or “leaky,” nutrient absorption will naturally be low.

Luckily, manuka honey contains not only powerful anti-fungal properties, but it also contains high amounts of naturally occurring B-vitamins.  In fact, manuka honey contains every single B-vitamin essential for health except for vitamin B12.

Contains an Abundance of Amino Acids

Raw honey such as manuka contains a wide array of amino acids which are necessary for optimal health in the body.  Amino acids serve as building blocks in the body and help in the rebuilding and repair process.

In particular, manuka honey is a rich source of the amino acid proline.  Research has shown that proline is necessary for proper collagen formation in the body (9).  For those unaware, collagen is what helps to improve the tight junctions and epithelial cells in the intestines making them less permeable.  As mentioned before, those with candida overgrowth oftentimes have poor gut health and gut permeability issues.

Furthermore, raw manuka honey contains the important amino acid glycine.  Glycine is important for detoxing the liver and has an overall protective effect when it comes to the health of the liver (10).  This is important since candida is known to release several different toxic byproducts, such as gliotoxin, which can actually harm cells in the liver (11).

Strongest Honey in Existence

It’s important to understand that manuka honey is one of the most medicinal honey’s on planet.  Researchers take this honey very serious when it comes to its anti-microbial properties.

In fact, this honey is often graded on a unique scale based on it’s overall strength.  This scale is often referred to as “K-factor.” Anything over 16 on the K-factor is considered to be of excellent quality and extremely potency.  For example, this honey by Kiva has a Manuka K factor of 20+.  As result, it’s considered to be of top quality.

Even most low quality manuka honey’s will trump most raw honey’s when it comes to medicinal strength.  However, that being said, it’s extremely important that you always purchase raw and unpasteurized.  This will insure the highest medicinal and enzymatic activity possible.

Bottom Line – Should you Consume Manuka Honey?

In our opinion, raw manuka honey can make an excellent addition to a candida diet.  No other honey in the world can offer the same benefits.  This particular honey has been used for centuries in order to prevent infection, faster wound healing, and a more favorable gut microbiome.

Research is clear that this honey has powerful anti-fungal properties and can help to inhibit the growth of candida.  Although honey naturally contains sugar, it typically is not an issue for those with candida overgrowth.  This is mainly due to the high anti-microbial properties present in the honey.

For those looking to incorporate a manuka honey into their diet, it’s imperative that you always choose one that is raw.  Pasteurized honey should be avoided at all costs and many ancient natural healing systems such as Ayurveda believe that heated honey is toxic to the body.  As a result, honey should always be consumed raw.

Lastly, although manuka honey is great, following a correct anti-candida diet can be even better.  For those interested, check out our free Candida Diet Protocol Page for a free candida eating strategy.  Here you will learn about the best and worst foods to consume if you suffer from candida overgrowth!