The Top 5 Reasons You Suffer From a Candida Overgrowth

Candida is an extremely opportunistic fungus that has the ability to completely alter the gut microbiome for the worse.  Unfortunately,  millions of Americans each year suffer from an overgrowth of this pathogenic fungus either knowingly, or unknowingly.  However, many are confused as to why they’re suffering from such overgrowth’s.

Many are under the impression that because they eat “healthy,” they’re immune to this fungus.  This couldn’t be further from the truth and we will explain why below.

Before we get into why you may be suffering from a candida overgrowth, it’s important to understand that the body needs small amounts of candida in order for optimal health.  However, candida needs to remain in its non-pathogenic yeast form in order to preserve optimal health.  Candida only becomes an issue when it morphs from its non-pathogenic yeast form into its pathogenic fungal form.

If you think you may be suffering from a candida overgrowth, we highly recommend you follow our free candida diet protocol.  This protocol was specifically designed to inhibit the growth of candida and return optimal health to the body.  Also, be sure to check out our Crush Candida Recipe Cook Book for delicious and mouthwatering anti-candida recipes!

With all that said, let’s get into the top 5 reasons why you’re suffering from a candida overgrowth in the body.

The Top 5 Reasons you Have Candida

1. Too Much Sugar

If you consume a diet rich in starchy carbohydrates and sugar, you will be more likely to suffer from a candida overgrowth in the gut and body.  This is because the primary fuel source of candida is sugar.  Without sugar, candida can not reproduce and its growth is significantly stunted.

It’s important to understand that candida operates on a sugar metabolism.  Through this metabolism candida effectively ferments sugars in the gut and releases over 70 different toxic byproducts into the body.  Many of these toxic byproducts can have a serious effect on the both the liver, stomach, and brain.

This means all food such as cake, pasta, cereal, bread, and white sugar need to be removed from the diet.  In fact, just by removing these foods alone can have a dramatic effect on inhibiting the growth of candida in the body.  If you’re unaware of what foods you should be eating with a candida overgrowth, make sure you got to our candida diet protocol for full details.

2. Sugary Fruit

Consuming large amounts of sugary fruits on a daily basis is another reason an individual may suffer from candida overgrowth.  This is because despite being natural, modern fruit resembles nothing of its original ancestors.  In fact, most modern fruit contains far too much fructose for the human body.

Interestingly, research has shown the damaging effects diets high in fructose can have on the body and how it can lead to fatty liver disease (1).  Unfortunately, most modern fruit will not only feed candida in the body, but it can also lead to poor health down the road.

The saying, “be sure to eat your fruits and vegetables,” is extremely misguided and was based around a society operating under mass farming and extreme agriculture.  In fact, consuming fruits every single day was never part of a healthy human diet.  For those who disagree, we challenge you to go out into nature and find fruits that resemble the ones found in your supermarket.

Again, no such fruits naturally occur in nature and modern fruit is a byproduct of man.  All wild fruit is extremely seedy and contains little to no sugar.  Of course there may be some exceptions to this rule, but for the most part, wild fruits are nothing like the hybridized fruits available in the store.

As a result, those eating copious amounts of fruits all in the name of health should seriously reconsider their actions and take a step back to view the natural world. 

With that being said, eating too many modern fruits can be a huge contributor to a candida overgrowth in the gut.  As mentioned before, candida operates on a sugar metabolism and is able to use the sugar in fruit (fructose) to thrive and multiply.

3. Low Stomach Acid

Chronically low stomach acid levels in the body is yet another reason candida may be able to overgrow in the gut.  Despite popular belief, many digestive problems are not a result of too much stomach acid, rather, too little!  For example, those suffering from acid reflux are often told to take anti-acids.  However, this is counterproductive since acid reflux is a symptom of low stomach acid and food not being properly digested.

It’s important to understand that stomach acid plays an extremely important role in maintaining our health.  Not only does it help us break down food so we are able to extract the necessary vitamins and minerals, but it also helps naturally neutralize pathogenic bacteria, fungus, and yeast that may be present in the gut.

In fact, it’s well known that one of the toxic byproducts released by candida is ammonia.  It does this because ammonia helps to neutralize stomach acid levels and raise the PH of the stomach.  By doing this, candida is able to inhabit and take over the gut much more efficiently.  Even bacteria such as H. Pylori have been known to release ammonia for this very same reason (2).

Consequently, if you suffer from candida, raising stomach acid levels and lowering the PH of the stomach is a must.  There are several ways in which this can be done, but following a correct anti-candida diet such as the one outlined in our protocol is the most effective way.

4. Overuse of Antibiotics

Overusing antibiotics is a big reason many individuals suffer from a candida overgrowth in the gut.  This is because antibiotics disrupt the normal gut flora and can alter it in a way that is more beneficial for candida.  This is because antibiotics kill off both bad bacteria and good bacteria in the gut.

Unfortunately, candida is extremely clever and uses biofilms which can protect it from antibiotics.  Essentially, candida uses the biofilms as protection against antibiotics and remains dormant until all antibiotics have left the system.  When this occurs, candida remains unharmed while all the good bacteria which can help keep candida in check have been killed off. It’s for this reason that we do not recommend antibiotics for those suffering from candida. 

Also, antibiotics can be extremely harsh on the stomach and can cause intestinal inflammation.  This can make symptoms related to candida much worse.  The only true way to effectively get rid of candida is to follow a correct diet which will natural inhibit its growth and support the gut microbiome.

5. Low Salt Diets

Salt has taken a lot of heat over the years but many health experts are beginning to accept the fact that salt is essential for both our health and well-being.  In fact, unprocessed natural sea salts such as Celtic and Pink Himalayan contain 84 minerals which can help support optimal health in the body. 

However, table salt contains none of these minerals and is extremely processed.  In fact, table salt undergoes a bleaching process to make it appear white!  It’s an extremely toxic substance and is the main reason salt has taken so much heat over the years.

That being said, natural sea salts contain an important mineral called chloride.  Chloride is needed in order to properly form stomach acid in the body.  This increase in stomach acid can help eliminate pathogenic bacteria, yeast, and fungus such as candida.

Interestingly, those who follow a low salt or no salt diet often experience poor digestion over time.  This is simply because the body is not receiving enough chloride in order to maintain proper stomach acid levels.  It should be mentioned that unprocessed natural sea salts also contain powerful anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties.

Other Helpful Solutions

If you suffer from a candida overgrowth, you will want to consider if any of the reasons listed above apply to you.  If so, we highly recommend you begin to follow our candida diet protocol.  As mentioned before, diet is the only true way to effectively inhibit the growth of candida.

Also, our Crush Candida Recipe Cook Book is highly recommend for anyone looking to cook amazing and tasteful meals that are not only great for the gut, but for also inhibiting the growth of candida.  Our recipe cook book contains over 20 different mouthwatering recipes that will leave you full and satisfied!