Is Candida Causing Your Acne? The Side Effects of Candida

Persistent acne affects a huge majority of the population and there is said to be little that can be done in order to correct it.  In fact, many will suffer needlessly for years with troublesome acne without ever fully coming to a real solution.

Topical creams may work at reducing the inflammation, but they do not stop acne from re-occurring.  In other words, topical solutions do not get to the root cause of acne

This is because acne is not an external problem, but an internal problem.  This means that acne can only be truly corrected when it’s addressed internally.  It’s important to understand that external appearance if a reflection of what is happening on the inside.

The Chinese have known this simple but true fact for centuries.   Based out of this truth, Chinese Medicine still uses face mapping in order to address internal issues.  For example, bags under eyes are a sign of weak kidneys, lines around mouth is sign of bowel issues, and acne is often a sign of digestive and gut issues such as candida.

What is Acne?

It’s important to understand that acne is a form of inflammation.  Typically, this inflammation is occurring in an individual’s digestive tract.  There are several reasons as to why an individual may be suffering from intestinal inflammation.  Below is a small list of examples that can contribute to intestinal inflammation.

  • Diets High in Plant Foods
  • High Sugar and Carbohydrate Diets
  • Overuse of Antibiotics
  • Lack of High Quality Animal Foods
  • Processed Foods
  • Lack of Essential Fatty Acids from Animal Foods

These are the biggest culprits when it comes to intestinal inflammation and persistent acne.  Acne is the body signaling to us that something internally is wrong.  Attempting to treat the problem externally without changing diet is madness.  Luckily, by following a correct diet, acne can be resolved naturally and effectively.

Candida and Acne – What You Need to Know

As mentioned before, if you suffer from acne, you typically have some sort of imbalance in the gut.  This means that you have more bad bacteria than you do good bacteria.  This is a direct result of lifelong bad eating habits and possible antibiotic overuse.

When the gut is imbalanced, candida is able to easily take control over the gut microbiome and cause many unwanted symptoms in the body.  To be clear, a healthy body should contain small amounts of candida.  It’s only when candida morphs from its non-pathogenic yeast form into its pathogenic fungal form that problems begin to occur in the body.  When candida is in its fungal form, it is capable of causing severe inflammation in the intestines which can inevitably lead to chronic acne on the skin.

In fact, the fungal form of candida releases over 70 toxic byproducts which put tremendous amounts of stress on the body’s elimination systems.  Sometimes, the body is forced to eliminate these toxic byproducts through the skin and this too can result in acne.

As a result, in order to get acne under control, gut issues and bacterial and fungal overgrowth’s such as candida need to be addressed.  The best way to do this is to change your diet.  We’ve gone over the correct diet for addressing candida in the body before, so if you haven’t done so already be sure to check out our easy to follow candida protocol.

The Importance of Maintaining Good Gut Health

Not enough can be said about maintaining proper gut health.  Not only can it help control inflammatory skin conditions such as acne and eczema, it also can improve optimal health and well-being.  This is because gut health can influence both the mind and body.

In fact, research has already proven that there is a definite connection between gut and brain.  Many with mental health issues often suffer from poor gut health.  This is because neurotransmitters such as serotonin are manufactured in the gut.  For those unaware, serotonin is responsible for happiness and helps uplift mood.  Those with mental health disorders are often low in serotonin, as well as dopamine.

Also, over 80% of the body’s immune system is dependent on the health and integrity of the gut.  This means the healthier your gut is, the more resistant you will be towards sickness and disease.  Ensuring that you have proper gut health is essential for optimal well-being.

Foods that Destroy Gut Health and Can Cause Acne

In order to maintain good gut health, there are a few foods you must stay away from.  These foods are relatively new to our diets and were not consumed by our ancestors.  Consequently, our health suffers and symptoms such as acne can result when consuming the following foods.

  • All Vegetable Oils (except coconut and olive)
  • Sugar
  • High Carbohydrate Foods
  • Processed Foods
  • Hybridized Fruit

These foods can feed the candida fungus in the body and can result in severe digestive troubles and acne.   It’s well known that bacteria and fungus such as candida need sugar in order to survive and multiply.  As a result, the more sugar that you consume, the more risk you have of developing a candida overgrowth.

High amounts of sugar were never a part of our ancestor’s diet and have no place in healthy diet.  With that said, most sugars found in nature actually have anti-candida and gut healing properties.  The best example of this would be raw honey.

Foods That Help Acne

As mentioned before, getting candida under control and correcting the microbiome is essential for those with persistent acne.  Our candida protocol goes into extreme depth on the best and worst foods for candida. It’s a simple 3 phase protocol that can dramatically improve the health of the gut and get candida under control.  However, below are a few foods that are great for correcting imbalances in the gut and inhibiting the growth of candida.

  • High Quality Organic Animal Protein
  • Organic Grass-Fed Animal Organs
  • Raw Honey
  • Healthy Fats (coconut, olive, animal, butter, ghee)
  • All Types of Bone Broths From Organic Animals
  • Chinese Bitters
  • Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (diluted in water)

These foods have amazing nourishing properties and can help inhibit the growth of candida in the body. High quality organic animal protein is essential as it contains all the necessary nutrients needed to repair the gut and contain no anti-nutrients which can cause intestinal inflammation.

Also, animal protein forces the body to produce strong stomach acid.  Stomach acid naturally helps neutralize pathogenic bacteria and fungus from the body.  In fact, maintaining strong stomach acid is necessary for optimal health. Unfortunately, high sugar, high carbohydrate, and plant based diets often lower stomach acid levels in the body.

Are Fruits Good For Acne?

There is misconception that fruits are great for health.  While we do agree that small amounts of fruits are healthy, we do not recommend you consume modern day fruit which is available in most super markets. Modern fruit has been hybridized to the point where it contains far too much sugar and no longer contains seeds.  The best example of hybridization is the modern banana.  It contains no seeds, is 4 times as big as the original, and contains extremely high amounts of sugar.

The fact that a fruit contains not seeds and is essentially sterile should be enough to get you to stray away from eating it.  Ever hear of the saying, “You are what you eat?” So if you eat sterile fruits then does that mean…um…well you know.

All joking aside, modern day fruits contain far too much sugar and can feed bacterial and fungal overgrowth’s such as candida.  Many fall into the trap of eating too many fruits after switching to a “healthier diet.”  It’s important to understand that no fruits such as the ones found in most grocery stores occur naturally nature.  In fact, all wild fruits are extremely sour or bitter and contain high amounts of seeds.

Start Cooking Candida Friendly Meals Today

Cooking meals when suffering from candida does not have to be boring.  In fact, there are amazing meals that you can make that can not only help improve optimal health, but also inhibit the growth of candida.

It’s for this reason that we have put together our candida recipe eBook.  This easy to read and follow eBook contains over 20 amazing recipes that not only taste good, but are good for you!  These recipes are extremely nourishing and can help improve the integrity of the gut.  Also, this eBook is an instant download so that you can start enjoying your tasteful candida friendly recipes today!