How Activated Charcoal Can Benefit Those With Candida Overgrowth

Activated charcoal is an age old remedy that has been used for centuries in order to detoxify and promote better health in the body.  The health benefits of charcoal have been known for centuries and was most likely discovered by early Native American cultures around the world.

For those unaware, activated charcoal can help absorb toxins in the gut and body and can carry them safely out of the body.  In reality, charcoal acts almost like a sponge in the body and attracts toxins that may be hindering overall health.

However, many are curious as to how activated charcoal can help if you suffer from candida overgrowth.  Also, how often should it be consumed for optimal results in the body. 

These are all questions that we’ve answered below.  In fact, by the end of this post you will have a better understanding of the benefits of activated charcoal and why it can be so beneficial for those dealing with candida overgrowth!

What is Activated Charcoal?

Activated charcoal is one of the most simplest substances in the world.  Yet, its overall benefits towards the body are unsurpassed.

It’s oftentimes referred to as “activated carbon” and is simply charcoal that been heated in a way to increase its absorptive power.  As mentioned before, it acts like a sponge in the body and absorbs toxins that can be causing poor health.  It does this through its small tiny pores which naturally act like magnets towards toxic substances in the body.

Interestingly, activated charcoal is frequently administrated to individuals who may have accidentally ingested a poisonous substance.  It can also be very useful for combating food poisoning in the body.

How Much Should You Take?

There really is no standard dose when it comes to activated charcoal.  It’s a natural substance that the body can easily eliminate and negative reactions to it are rare.  Typically, 1 teaspoon dissolved in water is enough to get the benefits of this amazing substance.

Many like to take this drink first thing upon waking in the morning.  This is because the body’s detoxification systems are strongest at night and the morning is usually the body’s time for elimination.  As a result, taking this activated charcoal drink first thing in the morning can help further assist in the elimination process and can help remove toxins that may have been missed by the body during nighttime detoxification.

That being said, it’s always recommended that it’s taken at least 2 hours before and after meals.  Although there is no research confirming it, many believe that activated charcoal can possibly bind to nutrients in foods.  Because of this, many choose to take it on an empty stomach and at least 2 hours before their next meal.

How Activated Charcoal Helps With Candida

If you suffer from candida overgrowth, you know how important healthy detoxification is to the body.  Unfortunately, those suffering with this pathogenic fungal overgrowth oftentimes have comprised elimination systems and overall body detoxification is severely lacking.

This is mainly because of the high amounts of toxins that candida releases into the body.  It’s well known that this pathogenic fungus can release over 70 different toxic byproducts into the body; all of which can have a negative effect on health. 

For example candida has been shown to release toxins such as alcohol, gliotoxin, acetaldehyde, and ammonia.  Studies have proven that gliotoxin is responsible for destroying liver cells in the body (1).  Also, acetaldehyde can trigger unwanted symptoms in the body such as dizziness and nausea.

Removing these toxins is an absolute must for those dealing with candida overgrowth.  Luckily, activated charcoal can help in the elimination of many of these toxic substances.

In fact, it’s been well known among researchers studying activated charcoals effects in the body that it may be the single most effective treatment in many types of different poisonings (2).

By simply taking activated charcoal daily, you’re helping the body eliminate many of these toxins that may be accumulating in the body due to candida overgrowth.  Again, for best results, we highly recommend that you mix a teaspoon of activated charcoal in spring or filtered water and take it at least 2 hours before and after meals.

Different Types of Charcoals

There are several different types of charcoals on the market today.  However, they all seem to work fairly the same.  Although there are many activated charcoal products on the market, the most popular come from coconut shell, bamboo, willow peat, and various types of wood.

That being said, we highly recommend you stay away from products that are made from coal and petroleum pitch.  This type of form of activated charcoal is not how it was traditionally consumed. 

Always make sure your activated charcoal describes where it came from.  If it doesn’t say, find a product that clearly describes the source.

Helps Improve the Function of the Kidneys

Those dealing with candida overgrowth will oftentimes show signs of poor kidney health.  This is mainly due to the fact that the kidneys can become overburdened by the high amount of toxins that this pathogenic fungus can release.

As a result, it’s extremely common for those with candida overgrowth to experience signs of poor kidney health.  It’s important to understand that the kidney’s help to filter out toxic substances that don’t belong in the body.  However, when the kidneys are not performing at optimal function, there is a good possibility that toxic substances are passing through unfiltered.

Luckily, activated charcoal can help improve the functionality of the kidneys.  It does this by reducing the number of waste products that the kidney has to filter which gives the kidneys a chance to recuperate.  In fact, research has shown that activated charcoal in combination with diet helped control abnormally high levels of waste products in the blood in older patients suffering from end-stage renal disease (3).

As a result, activated charcoal can be an excellent tool to incorporate into the diet of candida sufferers in order to help eliminate the toxic substances that this fungus produces.

Helps With Intestinal Health

It’s extremely common for those with candida to suffer from intestinal health issues such as gut permeability and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).  In fact, it’s well known that IBS patients oftentimes suffer from and overgrowth of candida colonies in the gut (4).

If you find that your digestive health has become poor over the years due to candida, the use of activated charcoal may be able to help.  One study found that IBS patients who were given activated charcoal for an 8-week period responded much better than the placebo group (5).

Again, this is most likely due to the fact that activated charcoal acts like a sponge in the body and absorbs toxins that can contribute to poor intestinal health.

The Verdict – Should you Take Activated Charcoal

In our opinion, activated charcoal is a great natural supplement to include into your regime.  It can help to eliminate some of the toxic byproducts produced by candida.  This in return can help to lower the burden on various elimination organs in the body.

For best results, it should always be taken first thing upon awakening in the morning and on an empty stomach.  Do not consume food at least 2 hours before or after taking activated charcoal.  Although there is no research confirming this, there is a theory that it can interfere with the absorption of nutrients in food.  As a result, it’s always recommended to consume it on an empty stomach.

Diet Strategies for Candida Overgrowth

Although activated charcoal is great, making sure that you follow a proper anti-candida diet is essential for your recovery.  This means following a diet that is devoid of processed foods and low in sugars.  Luckily, we’ve covered the best diet when it comes to candida overgrowth.

For those interested, be sure to check out our Diet Protocol Page for full details.  Here you will find everything you need to know about diet and what foods you should be eating if you suffer from candida!