Candida and Biofilms | What You Need to Know and Solutions

If you clicked on this page, then chances are you are suffering from a candida overgrowth and biofilms in the body. However, don’t be discouraged, millions of Americans either knowingly or unknowingly suffer from this pathogenic and opportunistic fungus.  In fact, the body needs small amounts of candida in the body in order to be healthy.  However, it’s only when it morphs from its yeast form, into its fungal form, that candida becomes problematic.

There are several different reasons why an individual may be suffering from a candida overgrowth in the body.  In this post, we will get into these reasons and possible solutions that can be used in order to inhibit the growth of candida in the body.  Before we do that, let’s first discuss what biofilms are and how candida uses them in order to protect itself from eradication.

What are Biofilms

Biofilms are microscopic shield like films that pathogenic fungus such as candida will use in order to protect itself from antibiotics or natural anti-fungal herbs.  This can make treating and getting rid of candida extremely difficult due to its high resiliency and its added protection from biofilms.

You may be wondering what these biofilms are made of.  Well, one study found that the biofilms set up by candida were comprised of 32% glucose (1).  This makes since because candida operates on a sugar metabolism and requires glucose or sugar in order to thrive and multiply.

Unfortunately, research has shown that although anti-fungal drugs are effective in the beginning against candida, their effects are minimal to none once candida sets up biofilms in order to protect itself from the drugs (2). 

Why Antibiotics are a Bad Idea

Depending on antibiotics to treat and heal a candida overgrowth in the gut is time wasted in our opinion.  This is because once anti-fungal drugs are introduced into the body, candida can quickly become resistant to the drug and makes getting rid of it even harder.  Many find that antibiotics work for a short period of time but soon after symptoms return full force.  This can lead to a viscous cycle of overusing antibiotics and damaging the gut microbiome.

It’s important to understand that antibiotics kill of both bad bacteria and good bacteria.  This means each time you take an antibiotic, you are without a doubt killing colonies of good bacteria in the gut.  This can effectively destroy an individual’s immune system and allow candida to further take over the gut microbiome.  In fact, research has shown that the majority of our immune system is dependent on the health of our microbiome (3).  The more healthy bacteria we have in our gut, the healthier our immune system will be.

For these reasons, we recommend you stay away from antibiotics at all costs.  They offer a short term solution to the problem but often cause more problems in the long run.

Stop Feeding Candida

The best way to get rid of candida biofilms is to do nothing at all.  No, seriously, stop eating for 24 hours and see how you feel.  By fasting, you are cutting off the food supply of candida and naturally weakening this pathogenic fungus.  As mentioned before, candida operates on a sugar metabolism.  When no sugar is present in the diet, candida can no longer thrive and multiply.

Fortunately, fasting is not even necessary in order to inhibit the growth of candida.  However, a diet must be put into place that is low in both sugar and carbohydrates and that will naturally inhibit the growth of candida.

It’s for this reason that we created our candida diet protocol.  This diet plan was designed to inhibit the growth of candida in the body and restore health and wellness to the body.  By following a diet such as the one laid out in our protocol, you cut off the food supply of candida and force it to eventually return back into its non-pathogenic form.  It doesn’t matter how many biofilms candida may put up, if it doesn’t have the fuel, it simply leaves the body.

Our protocol is broken down into three easy to follow phases which help rebuild the gut and bring the body back to an optimal state of health.  Also, for those interested, be sure to check out our Crush Candida Diet Recipe Cook Book for delicious meal ideas!

Foods that Strengthen Biofilms

As you begin to learn more and more about candida, it’s important to become familiar with the foods which can contribute to its growth.  Typically, any food that is high in sugar or starch will cause candida issues in the gut.  However, we’ve went ahead and made a small list below of foods you should avoid if you are dealing with candida biofilms.

  • All Forms of Sugar (raw honey OK)
  • Processed Grains
  • Starchy Vegetables
  • Packaged Foods
  • Vegetable Oil (coconut and olive oil OK)
  • Soft Drinks
  • High Sugar Fruit

These foods should be avoided at all costs if you struggle with candida overgrowth and biofilms in the body.  Foods such as the ones listed above will only strengthen candida and make getting rid of it all the more harder.

Also, although some foods may be low in sugar, such as vegetable oils, they should be avoided since they can contribute to intestinal inflammation in the gut.  This inflammation can make symptoms worse in those who suffer from candida overgrowth in the body.

Herbal Biofilm Busters

Although we recommend changing the diet in order to get rid of candida, you can also take different types of biofilm busting herbs in tandem with a healthy diet.  These herbs have been used for centuries in order to treat both digestive disorders and various types of fungal infections. 

We do not recommend long term use of these herbs and highly urge you to take it slow so you can properly gauge for possible negative reactions in the body.  However, the following herbs are general well tolerated by most when used in moderation and not long term.

1. Cats Claw

Cats Claw has been used for centuries by ancient Native Americans of the Amazon in order to treat various types of stomach ailments.  This woody vine has powerful anti-fungal properties and can be great for anyone dealing with candida overgrowth and biofilms.

2. Olive Leaf

This biblical herb has some of the most powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties in the world.  Many have found great success in treating candida with a olive leaf extract or tea.  In fact, the healing properties of olive leaf has been well documented throughout time which is why many cultures around the world viewed the olive tree as sacred.

3. Pau D’Arco

You will seriously want to take it slow with this extremely powerful anti-fungal tree bark.  This bark is native to the Amazon jungle and is considered to be one the most powerful natural anti-fungal herbs in the world!  Various tribes of the Amazon Rainforest used this inner bark of the Pau D’Arco tree in order to treat various digestive disorders.  However, due to its extreme potency, be prepared for serious die off symptoms.

4. Reishi Mushroom

An extremely gentle, yet effective herb, Reishi can be excellent for inhibiting the growth of candida in the body and modulating the immune system.  In fact, Reishi is considered a “tonic” meaning it can be taken daily.  Out of all of the herbs listed, Reishi is the best in our opinion due to its ability to inhibit the growth of candida, modulate the immune system, and support detoxification pathways of the body.

Improving the Gut Microbiome

When dealing with a candida overgrowth, you will want to increase the amount of good bacteria in the gut.  This is because candida naturally crowds out the good bacteria and creates a dysbiosis in the gut.  However, when their numbers are increased, this good bacteria can help keep candida in check and prevent it from overgrowing in the gut.

Below is a small list of foods that will naturally support gut health and increase the amount of good bacteria in the gut.

  • High Quality Grass-Fed Organ Meat
  • Animal Protein that is Grass-Fed, Organic, or Wild Caught
  • Coconut Oil
  • Fermented Foods (small amounts)
  • Bone Broth
  • Seasonal Fruits

In our opinion, these foods are best for supporting the health of the microbiome.  They are all extremely low in sugar and will not feed bad bacteria and fungus such as candida.  Also, they contain the necessary building blocks needed for repair and recovery in the body.