Red Meat and Candida | Should You Consume This Animal Protein?

You will find many different opinions online as to whether or not red meat is good for candida.  Many claim that red meat can make a candida condition worse and should be avoided or severely limited.  However, others believe that red meat is the perfect food for those dealing with candida overgrowth and should enjoy it freely.

Unfortunately, this controversy makes deciphering as to whether or not red meat should be consumed by candida sufferers.  As a result, many needlessly avoid red meat due to lack of agreement as to whether or not it’s actually good for candida.

Luckily, we hope to clear the air surrounding candida overgrowth and red meat consumption.  In fact, in our opinion, we believe that red meat can make a great addition to an anti-candida diet.  That being said, there are some precautions you will want to take before adding this rich protein into your diet.

By the end of this post, you will be able to make a better informed decision as to whether or not red meat is right for you!

Red Meat and Ammonia?

For whatever reason, there is a myth circulating around the web that red meat consumption increases ammonia in the body.  The belief is that this ammonia increase causes the stomach to become more alkaline which is the perfect environment for candida growth.

They oftentimes justify their claims with this weak study HERE.  What most fail to mention in this study is that researchers observed an increase in ammonia production in patients being fed both meat AND resistant starch.  It’s well known that starch can feed candida in the body.  Also, one of the toxic byproducts that candida releases is ammonia.  As a result, this excess ammonia production observed by scientist was most likely due to candida feeding on the starch and releasing the toxic byproduct.  Not to mention the researchers most likely use non-organic and conventionally grown meat.

That being said, to claim that red meat consumption will cause the stomach to become too alkaline is ill-advised.  In fact, ALL animal protein will require the stomach to produce a strong stomach acid in order to properly break it down.

Red Meat is Full of Zinc

High quality grass-fed beef is going to be one of your best sources of highly bioavailable zinc.  Unlike plants, the zinc found in red meat is not bound to anti-nutrients and is easily absorbed and assimilated by the body.  It should be mentioned that those suffering with candida overgrowth will always want to maintain high levels of this important mineral.

Research has shown that zinc deficiency can cause the growth of a hyperactive form of candida yeast cells in the body (2).

Furthermore, zinc plays a crucial role in the body’s immune system and can help boost overall immune system health (3).

It’s extremely common for candida sufferers to suffer from immune deficiencies due to this pathogenic fungus.  This is mainly due to the high amounts of histamine that candida causes the body to release (4).  This excess histamine release can cause immune system dysregulation overtime and can cause several different food intolerance’s in the body.

Zinc also plays an important role in the health of the gut microbiota.  It’s well known that those suffering with candida overgrowth oftentimes display symptoms of a gut dysbiosis.  In fact, research has shown that zinc depletion in the body can lead to intestinal issues such as gut permeability (5).

Interestingly, it’s been revealed that the colonization of candida in the intestinal tract can lead to symptoms such as gut permeability (6).  This is all the more reason for candida sufferers to consume zinc rich foods such as red meat!

Grass-Fed vs. Grain-Fed

Here is the kicker, if you plan on getting the benefits of red meat, it’s imperative that you always buy grass-fed and organic.  Conventionally grown red meat will be full of anti-biotics and hormones which can disrupt normal body functioning and can make a candida condition much worse.

For those on the fence about buying grass-fed products, research has shown that the fatty acid profile present in grass-fed beef is far superior to that found in grain-fed products (7).

Furthermore, grass-fed beef will not contain the inflammatory compounds that can accumulate in cows being on an unnatural diet of corn, soy, and grains.  It’s important to understand that cows have a rumen specifically to digest grass.  When we feed these animals an unnatural diet, we can see that they begin to suffer from high amounts of inflammation and susceptibility to disease.

Although you may pay a little more for grass-fed organic beef, your health will thank you in the long run.  In fact, if you’re strict in what you buy and focus on purchasing healthy foods, the price oftentimes comes out to the same or even less!

Excellent Source of Protein

Grass-Fed Beef is one of the best sources of protein in world.  A small 4 oz serving of beef will typically contain around 25 grams of easily to assimilate protein.  Those dealing with candida overgrowth need to make sure that they consume enough protein daily.  This is because protein can help regenerate and rebuild the body.

Also, as mentioned before, the protein found in beef is much more easier to absorb than that found in plant foods.  This is because animal protein does not contain nutrient inhibitors that can interfere in intestinal absorption.  In fact, it’s been shown that anti-nutrients such as phytates, which are very common in plant foods such as grains, can contribute to intestinal inflammation (8).

As a result, high quality animal foods should always be included in the diet of those suffering from candida.  They provide everything the body needs for repair and regeneration in the body!

Contains the Protein Collagen

Gelatinous cuts of meat such as lamb leg, oxtail, shank, and ribs will naturally contain high amounts of the protein collagen.  This beneficial protein has been shown to help seal the gut lining and make the intestines less permeable (9).  It’s for this reason that high quality cuts of gelatinous cuts of red meat are highly recommend for anyone suffering from candida overgrowth.

These cuts of meat are also high in the amino acids proline and glycine.  Research has shown that both glycine and proline play an important role in the synthesis of collagen production in the body (10).  As a result, gelatinous cuts of meat contain preformed collagen as well as the byproducts needed to produce collagen in the body.

For best results, gelatinous cuts of meat should always be slow cooked (at least 3 hours) in a bed of water and covered.  The end result leaves the meat tender and easy to digest.  Also, the gelatin that forms at the bottom of the pan is also extremely soothing towards the intestines.  Gelatin can be stored in the fridge and small amounts can be eaten each day.

Bottom Line – Should you Consume Red Meat?

We believe that high quality red meat can make an excellent addition to the diet of those suffering from candida overgrowth.  It’s naturally full in the mineral zinc which has been proven to help combat against candida overgrowth.

Also, depending on the cut, gelatinous cuts of meat are a rich source of the protein collagen.  This protein has been shown to help in intestinal conditions such as gut permeability and can help seal the gut lining.  Gelatinous cuts of meat will also produce gelatin when cooked which can also be very soothing on the intestines.

That being said, moderation is key whenever incorporating foods into your diet.  Although red meat is great, it is possible to overdo it.  In our opinion, red meat should always be rotated with other animal foods.  This helps to give the body variety and a wide spectrum of nutrients.  Depending on the season, the body typically craves more red meat in the winter time than in the summer.  As always, everything is cyclical and moderation is key!

Lastly, for those interested in cooking delicious and mouthwatering recipes that are both healthy and candida friendly, we highly urge you to check out our Crush Candida Cookbook!