Vegan Diet Causes Candida? Don’t Fall Victim to the Hype

Everywhere you turn it seems that the vegan diet is being pushed endlessly by mainstream media and alternative news sources such as YouTube.  In fact, veganism has continued to rise year after year and shows no signs of slowing down.

Typically, this diet is being pushed by the younger generation claiming that it’s “ecofriendly” and “better for the animals.” 

That said, we won’t go into how acres upon acres of land is cleared and destroyed of all of its wildlife in order to grow vegan and vegetarian food.  We also won’t go into how many of these vegan foods are sprayed with all types of pesticides which pollute both the water, air, ecosystem, animals, and humans.

However, we will go into how vegan and vegetarian diets alike are the one the worst things an individual can partake in who is suffering from a candida overgrowth.

Vegan Diet Madness

At first glance, those advocating a vegan diet seem to make a convincing argument that this diet is best for both the environment and health.  For the sake of time, we aren’t going to get into the vegan diet and better environment myth; however, we will get into how this diet can be disastrous for both candida sufferers and overall health.

The vegan diet is extremely deficient in several fat soluble vitamins, essential fatty acids, and animal elements which are necessary for not just health, but survival.  Many claim that this diet contains all the vitamins and minerals you need; this simply is not true.

The vegan diet contains ZERO of the following:

  • Omega 3’s DHA and EPA
  • Vitamin K2
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B12
  • Cholesterol
  • Creatine
  • Glutamine

These are just a few of the nutrients that are critical for optimal health but are deficient on a vegan diet.  Both vitamin D, K2, and cholesterol work synergistically together to build strong healthy bones and teeth and to properly displace calcium.  It’s well known that a deficiency in K2 can lead to calcification in the body. 

Furthermore, research has shown that high cholesterol is associated with longevity in the body (1).  Not to mentioned it has been proven that those with low cholesterol are more prone to committing acts of violence (2).

We won’t go into how B12 is essential for maintaining mental health, or how glutamine helps protect against gut permeability (3)(4).

However, the fact that vegan diets are deficient in key nutrients needed for survival should be all the information you need in order to draw your own conclusions about the authenticity of the diet.

Vegan Diet and Candida – The Truth

Anyone about to embark on a vegan diet in hopes to heal their candida overgrowth need to seriously reconsider.  The vegan diet is loaded full of both plant anti-nutrients and sugar.

Anti-nutrients are present in all plant foods; there is no getting around this.  It was for this reason that tribes and cultures around the world always used special preparation methods when preparing such foods. 

Raw vegetables contain the highest concentration of anti-nutrients (sorry raw vegans).  To put it simply, anti-nutrients are plant poisons.  They bind to minerals in the body, destroy the intestinal mucosal lining, and slowly poison the body if not prepared right.

Those suffering from candida overgrowth will already be suffering from immense amounts of intestinal inflammation.  This is because candida burrows itself into the digestive lining and naturally produces an inflammatory effect in the gut.

Furthermore, the main fuel source of candida is sugar.  Vegan diets are typically extremely high in sugars such as fruits and syrups.  These sugars are like rocket fuel or candida and can allow this pathogenic fungus to easily take over the gut microbiome.

That all being said, eating high amounts of anti-nutrients and sugars is a recipe for disaster for anyone dealing with a candida overgrowth.

Eat More Quality Animal Foods!

The best advice for anyone suffering with candida overgrowth is to eat more quality animal foods.  Animal foods contain all the essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids needed for bodily function and repair.  If you haven’t done so already, check out our post on Why Animal Foods are Essential for Combating a Candida Overgrowth.

It should be mentioned that animal foods do not contain either anti-nutrients or sugar.  This means quality animal foods will not irritate the gut lining or feed candida.  Eating a diet rich in high quality animal foods is in our opinion the best way to build the body and recover from illness.

Always choose grass-fed, organic, and pastured raised animals.  Don’t consume low quality animal foods in order to save on costs;  there is no price you can put on good health.  Not too mention eating this way usually does not cost more once all junk food is no longer being purchased.

For those having difficulty locating quality animals foods, US Wellness Meats can be a great resource.  They deliver high quality animal foods right to your door!  Although, it’s highly recommended that you purchase over $100 so that you can get free shipping.

For those interested in US Wellness Meats, use the link below:

US Wellness Meats sells quality grassland meat products – Visit us Online!

Don’t Fall for The Vegan Lie

With all the hype surrounding veganism, it’s hard not to be curious of this diet.  However, we highly urge you to stay away from such diets.  These diets can be extremely damaging on the body when done long term.  They also seem to have negative effect on mental health which is most likely due to lack of cholesterol and fat soluble vitamins.

That all being said, plant foods can have their place in the diet.  However, they should never be consumed as staples and should always serve as supplemental food items.

In fact, we incorporate small amounts of plant foods in our Intestinal Health Cookbook.  However, these plant foods are always low sugar and gut friendly.

Many vegan advocates claim that a plant based diet can heal all manners of disease.  However, in our experience, as well as others, vegan diets almost always cause more health problems in the long run.

Eat Food not Supplements

One last point we would like to make about vegan diets is the extreme use of supplements.  It’s not uncommon for vegans to take endless amounts of supplements in order to make the diet “work.”

In fact, vegans openly admit that they must supplement with B12.  This usually comes in the form of pills or injections into the buttocks.  However, B12 is just one of the many nutrients that do not occur on vegan diets.

High quality animal foods contain every single nutrient required by the human body for optimal health.  These nutrients are in a highly bio-available form and easily assimilated by the body. 

One last thing to consider when it comes to vegan diets; both fats and proteins are essential for survival, carbohydrates are not.  This alone should tell you what types of foods the body prefers.