Stomach Acid and Candida | How to Increase Levels Naturally

Stomach acid plays an important role when it comes to digestion and good overall health.  Those suffering with weak digestion, bloating, acid reflux, or poor appetite oftentimes have inadequate levels of stomach acid.

Also, stomach acid has a protective factor when it comes preventing the overgrowth of pathogens in the body.  In particular, those with strong stomach acid levels will typically be more resilient to pathogenic fungal overgrowth’s such as candida.

This is because stomach acid has a naturally sterilizing effect.  It helps to maintain balance in the gut microbiome and can help to prevent the growth of several different pathogenic species in the gut.

In fact, it’s well known that pathogens such as candida, as well as h. pylori, release small amounts of ammonia in the body (1)(2).  This release in ammonia helps to neutralize the body’s stomach acid production and creates a more alkaline environment.  It seems that many pathogens prefer an alkaline environment.

As a result, for optimal health, the stomach should be around a PH of 1.5 to 2.0.  Unfortunately, those suffering with candida overgrowth oftentimes have low stomach acid levels.

Luckily, there are several different foods and strategies that can be used in order to naturally increase stomach acid levels in the body!

The Top 5 Foods For Stomach Acid Production

1. High Quality Animal Protein

We’ve talked about the importance of animal protein before for those suffering with candida overgrowth, however, many are unaware that it’s one of the best foods for naturally increasing stomach acid levels.  Animal protein naturally requires a strong stomach acid in order to breakdown.  As a result, it forces the body to produce high amounts of hydrochloric acid whenever consumed.

Furthermore, animal foods are free from sugar which can feed fungal pathogens such as candida.  Those with candida overgrowth oftentimes consume a diet that is high in both sugars and starchy carbohydrates.

It’s for this reason that we always recommend that diet should be based around high quality animal foods.  Animal foods such as organ meats and gelatinous cuts of meat are all great options for naturally increasing stomach acid levels in the body.

Many following plant based diets are more at risk of developing stomach acid issues and digestive disorders.  This is because all plant based diets lack animal protein.  As mentioned before, animal protein causes the body to produce the strongest stomach acid.

2. Bitter Herbs

It wasn’t long ago that bitter herbs played an extremely important role in the diet of all humans.  In fact, according to both Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, bitter foods play an important role and are needed in order for optimal health.  Unfortunately, most of society is addicted to flavors such as sweet and salty.

This overconsumption of only a few particular foods can create imbalance in the body which is said to lead to disorder and disease by both Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda.

That being said, bitter herbs are excellent for naturally increasing stomach acid production in the body.  This is because all bitter foods stimulate the vagus nerve on the back of the tongue which signals to both the brain and gut to produce more stomach acid.

It’s for this reason that a bitter beverage or food was often consumed before or after a large meal centuries ago.  Our ancestors understood that these bitter foods would naturally facilitate in digestion.  Some good choices of bitter herbs are ginger, fennel, gentian root, dandelion root, and bupleurum root.

For best results, simply brew up a small 4 oz tea of any of the following herbs listed above and consume with or after your meals.  Also, there are various products available such as Swedish bitters or Chinese bitters that are already extracted.  These formulas are typically sold as a tincture and simply placing a few drops on your tongue can help in the production of stomach acid.

3. Sea Salt

One the easiest things you can do to help improve stomach acid levels naturally in the body is to consume more high quality sea salt.  In particular, Celtic sea salt is a rich source of minerals that can help in several different biological functions in the body.  Also, all high quality sea salts will naturally be a rich source of chloride.

Chloride is a necessary mineral for optimal health in the body and plays an important role in the formation of stomach acid in the body.  It’s for this reason that those who follow long term low salt diets oftentimes experience symptoms such as poor digestion.

In our experience, simply adding a high quality sea salt to all of your meals can have profound effects when it comes to improving digestion. 

Furthermore, sea salt naturally contains anti-microbial properties.  Before refrigeration, sea salt was the preferred method for persevering foods for long periods of time.  It naturally discourages the growth of bad bacteria and encourages the growth of good bacteria.  Many fermented foods call for the incorporation of sea salt just for this reason.

For best results, simply sprinkle quality sea salt to taste in all of your meals.  Also, a pinch of sea salt can be added to your drinking water.  This will not only help the body to hydrate better, but it will also help to naturally increase stomach acid production.

4. Eat Fermented Foods

All fermented foods are naturally acidic.  As a result, they can be very beneficial for those looking to increase the production of stomach acid levels in the body.  Also, all fermented foods will be a good source of the beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus. Research is clear that lactobacillus can be beneficial for naturally inhibiting the growth of candida (3).

Fermented foods are also a great source of probiotics which can help to repopulate the intestinal flora and combat against a gut dysbiosis.  Due to their extreme potency, fermented foods should be consumed in small amounts in the beginning.  As a little as a one teaspoon is all you need when first introducing these foods into your diet.  Overtime, you can begin to increase the amount to levels you feel comfortable at.

Many find that including fermented foods such as sauerkraut with their meals helps facilitate in digestion.  It also will naturally provide live enzymes that can assist in several different biological functions in the body.

However, be weary if you have a histamine intolerance.  All fermented foods are typically very high in histamines and can be problematic for those dealing with histamine related issues.

5. Avoid Sugar

The best advice we can give someone dealing with low stomach acid levels due to candida overgrowth is to avoid processed foods and sugar.  Excess sugar intake can be very problematic for those dealing with candida issues.  It’s well known that this pathogenic fungus operates on a sugar metabolism and requires sugar in order to survive and replicate in the body.

Also, sugar is naturally counterproductive when it comes to raising stomach acid levels in the body.  This is because it’s easily absorbed into the bloodstream does not require much digestive effort in order to breakdown.  Unfortunately, this can create all kinds of dysregulation in the body and can lead to long term health problems.

Furthermore, sugar will actually pull minerals from the body.  It’s for this reason that nutrient deficiencies are rampant among those following a high sugar diet.  Important minerals such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, and copper are often low in those eating a long term high sugar diet.

That being said, it’s best to stick to natural sources of sugar such as fruit.  There is ongoing research that the sugar in fruit (fructose) actually has an inhibitory effect against candida (4).  That being said, always make sure that you consume organic, non-hybridized and seasonal fruit.

Follow a Candida Diet Protocol

Although the foods and strategies listed above are all great for increasing stomach acid levels naturally, following a correct gut supporting and anti-candida diet is essential for long lasting results.  We highly recommend you check out our free Candida Diet Protocol Page for more information surrounding diet and candida.

Here you will find everything you need to know about the best and worst foods to be eating if you suffer from candida overgrowth.  Also, our protocol is 100% free.  You can begin incorporating the eating strategies listed in our protocol right away!