The Toxic Effects of Sugar | How it Can Cause Candida Overgrowth

Diets high in processed sugar and starchy carbohydrates are typically the “norm” for most of the general population.  These foods form the base of most individuals diets and are usually consumed in excess.

Unfortunately, starchy carbohydrates and high sugar foods are the perfect recipe for developing pathogenic fungal overgrowth’s in the body such as candida.  These types of foods can cause a negative shift in the gut microbiota if consumed in excess and can lead to several different digestive disorders.

In fact, by the end of this post, you will have a better understanding as to why sugar can have such negative side effects on the gut when consumed in excess.

What is Sugar?

Before we talk about the long list of negative side effects that are associated with a high sugar intake, it’s first important to understand where it comes from.

In its natural form, sugar is actually quite healthy.  This is because all sugar comes from the sugar cane plant which is one of the most mineral rich plants in the world.  However, during excessive processing, white sugar is extracted from the sugar cane.

This extraction process leaves out many of the beneficial vitamins and minerals that occurs naturally in the sugar cane plant.  In fact, the left over residue from the sugar making process is actually quite nutritious and mineral rich.  This residue is often referred to as “black strap molasses.”

Unfortunately, unlike black strap molasses, it’s completely devoid of all of its minerals and is extremely toxic to the body.

Candida Overgrowth and Sugar Consumption

One of the quickest ways to develop a candida overgrowth in the body is to eat a diet high in white sugar.  White sugar is the perfect fuel source for this pathogenic fungus to thrive and multiply in the body.  This is because candida operates on a metabolism based on sugar and fermentation.

For those unaware, this pathogenic fungus needs sugar in order to thrive and multiply in the body.  Without adequate amounts of it, this fungus can simply return to its non-pathogenic yeast form.

Since we all naturally have candida in our body, some believe that this fungus is simply doing its job; eating sugar.  As mentioned before, white sugar is very toxic to the body in high amounts.  As a result, there is an ongoing theory that this “pathogenic fungus” simply acts like a garbage man by consuming any excess sugar that may be circulating in the body.

Problems with this pathogen only arise when it morphs into its non-pathogenic yeast form and into its pathogenic fungal form.  Again, this is only made possible when a diet rich in sugar is consumed.

Furthermore, as this fungus consumes sugar in the body, its metabolism is naturally based around fermentation.  As a result, it releases several different toxic byproducts into the body during the process of fermenting it in the body.

This fermentation process is the main reason individuals suffering with candida overgrowth oftentimes experience unwanted symptoms such as bloating, gas, burping, and indigestion.

Sugar Robs the Body of Minerals

It’s no mystery that excessive consumption of processed sugar will rob minerals from the body.  As mentioned before, white sugar is completely devoid of any minerals.  As a result, it naturally pulls minerals from the body when ingested.

Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, and copper can all be depleted through excess sugar consumption.  Those dealing with candida overgrowth are already at a disadvantage when it comes to vitamin and mineral absorption in the body.  This is because candida sufferers typically have intestinal conditions such as gut permeability (1).  When the gut is permeable, the ability to absorb proper nutrients from food lowers significantly.

When gut permeability issues are coupled with a diet high in sugar, the results can be disastrous.  It’s for this reason that anyone suffering with this fungal overgrowth need to drop all processed sugar from the diet immediately and consume an Anti-Candida Diet.

In fact, high sugar consumption is one of the main reasons for the rampant mineral deficiencies being experienced by most of the general population.  Also, since it naturally feeds candida, high sugar diets can contribute to poor intestinal health and a gut dysbiosis.

Is Naturally Inflammatory

Since sugar is the perfect fuel source of pathogens such as candida, it will be naturally be inflammatory towards the body.  As pathogens such as candida multiply in the body, it caposn releases several different inflammatory toxic byproducts.  Overtime, these toxic byproducts can have an overall inflammatory response in the body.

These toxic byproducts include, but are not limited to, gliotoxin, alcohol, acetaldehyde, and ammonia.  Research is clear that gliotoxin can induce liver damage in rats and is overall an extremely toxic substance (2).  Again, if the liver is not functioning properly, blood will not be properly filtered and the body may respond with inflammation if there are toxins entering the bloodstream unfiltered.

Also, acetaldehyde can have an overall toxic effect when it comes to mental health.  It has been shown that those suffering with degenerative brain conditions typically have high levels of acetaldehyde (3).

Consequently, a high sugar diet can have an almost chain-like-reaction in the body.  It seems that processed sugar can affect the body negatively on many different levels.

What About Sugar from Fruit?

Sugar from fruit (fructose) is a tricky subject when it comes to candida overgrowth in the body.  Some say that the sugar present in fruit is just as harmful as processed sugar.  Others claim that fructose in fruit is beneficial and can actually help to prevent candida overgrowth.

We tend to stand somewhere in between this argument.  Research has shown that fructose can actually inhibit the growth candida in areas such as the mouth (4).  Also, unlike starchy carbohydrates which tend to sit in the digestive tract and ferment, fruit is easily digestible and is low in fermentable carbohydrates.

As a result, we personally believe that fruit can have its place on a candida diet.  In fact, there is supporting evidence that it may actually be beneficial.  However, that being said, it’s imperative that you always choose organic fruit.  Non-organic fruit is heavily sprayed with pesticides and is not something you want to ingest in order to promote optimal health in the body.

Also, many fruits have been extensively hybridized and contain far too much fructose.  It’s important to make a conscious effort in consuming fruits that are both organic and not overly hybridized if you choose to include them into your diet regularly.

The Bottom Line – Avoid Processed Sugar

If you suffer from candida overgrowth or you are seeking optimal health, it’s imperative that you begin to remove all forms of processed white sugar from your diet.  Processed white sugar is one of the most toxic foods you can put into your body.

If you’re struggling to remove sugar from your diet, be sure to head over to our best natural sweeteners post.  Here you will find natural sweeteners that are both good for the body and naturally low in sugar.  Also, although white sugar is toxic, black strap molasses contains a wide array of vitamins and minerals that can be beneficial for the body.  However, black strap molasses does contain sugar as well and should be consumed in small amounts and in moderation because of this.

Lastly, fructose seems to be a safe option for those dealing with candida overgrowth.  That being said, as with any food, moderation is necessary.  Although small amounts may not be harmful towards candida overgrowth, consuming a diet based around high fructose fruits isn’t the best idea.  In fact, for those seeking optimal health, it’s our opinion that diet should be based around high quality animal foods.

Candida Diet Cookbook

For those interested, be sure to check out our Crush Candida Cookbook.  Our cookbook contains over 20 different mouthwatering recipes that are both delicious and anti-candida.  We’ve included the best flavors so that you don’t feel deprived on your Candida Diet!

Our cookbook is naturally low in starchy carbohydrates and sugar.  It can be perfect for those having trouble sticking to a candida diet and can provide recipes that you will look forward to eating!